Chapter 32

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I opened my eyes slowly and blinked several times so I could adjust to the light. The sun kept beaming into my room through the opened windows. How long have I slept? I stretched as I yawned and rubbed my hands in my hair. It felt really good to sleep several hours after not getting enough sleep for the past few days.

I stepped into the shower after making sure I laid my bed and took a nice warm bath. Sliding on sweatpants with tank top and tying my hair in a messy bun, I left my room into the sitting area where Cassie and Lia were busying themselves in the kitchen. The aroma of baked chocolate cake filled my nostrils. And on the dinning table was variety of foods. Were we having visitors? They never told me.

As soon as they spotted me, they smiled and came in for a hug. I love these girls. I needed a nice and warm hug and here they were fulfilling my wish. "Today is a holiday so we decided to do something nice for you." Lia said.

"Yeah, these couples of days were tough for all of us especially you so we've decided to do something to celebrate the good news we've heard yesterday." Cassie added. That was so sweet. I felt really better and happier now that I know how things are going in Dubai. Even though I won't be able to hear from Kelvin until he gets back, I will always assure myself he will come back to me. Even though I'm not sure he will make it to my graduation.

Lia and Cassie dragged me to the table and sat me on the chair. They stood beside me looking at me as if I was some kind of master chef who is going to rate them for their work. After taking some waffles into my mouth, I smiled at them. It tastes really good and Cassie has learnt how to cook very well. I can assure you, when we were in high school, no one can cook rubbish than Cassie. I never told her because she loves to cook and I didn't want discourage her. I just told her to keep trying and she will be the best. And indeed, she has.

"You guys, I can't eat without you. Join me." I said. Both sat beside me as we ate together. I felt so good again. I felt whole and loved once again. You know that kind of feeling when you suddenly realise things are going to be perfectly fine, that was exactly how I was feeling. Even though I don't know what is going to happen in the next few days or even weeks to come, I know Kelvin is going to defeat Louis and get back to me. I just need to wait for him.

After breakfast and all, Cassie gave me my medications. The two really took care of me. I love them both. I love them so much. Some minutes passed and then our doorbell rang. It took Cassie some seconds to come into the living room with Frankie. When he saw me, he gave me a smile.

"How are you feeling today Gianna?" He asked. "I'm feeling so much better." I said as I gave him my warmest smile. "Good because we are going out. I'm taking you all out. There is a new restaurant opening beside the school and the owner is my friend so let's go there." All three of them kept staring at me as if I was their commander or something. They were literally pleading with their eyes so we could go.

And of course I couldn't say no to them so I agreed and we left. The restaurant was so beautiful. Even though it was new, customers were everywhere. The room was so huge everything was glittering. As we took a spot at one of the table, a waitress walked over to us with a wide smile. With her high black pencil heel clipping on the floor, she stood in front of us and handed us a menu.

"Feel free to look through it. I will be back in some few minutes to take your orders. Thank you." She then turned swinging her hips as she walked away. I looked around the room and then suddenly, my eyes caught hold of someone familiar. My heart dropped as my emotions went blank. He shot me a sly grin but few seconds later, he just disappeared into thin air or something. I desperately looked around to be sure he wasn't here.

Was that Louis Wilson? No. I don't think so. He is in Dubai, and Kelvin is dealing with him. It can't be him. Maybe it was just my imagination. I shook my head slightly and took a sip of my water. Maybe I thought I was seeing him because of the bad impression he had left on me. I took deep breaths to study myself.

I need to get rid of him. Louis can never hurt me. He doesn't even know where I am right now, I guess. I need to get him out of my mind. What if he is here to take me away or try to hurt me? Relax Gianna. Your over sensitive imagination is just making you feel unsafe. You just need to relax. I assured myself.

It didn't take long before the waitress came back and asked us to place our order. Frankie ordered what was their most special meal for us and he was such a sweetheart. As the waitress took her leave, I reluctantly looked around once again just to be sure I wasn't seeing things and Louis was not here. But boy was I wrong. The moment I started peering at everyone, my eyes suddenly landed on him. And this time, he was sitting next to our table with a menu in his hands. He gave me that sly grin from before and I could feel my blood running cold.

I tensed immediately as my eyes grew wide. I immediately reached out for Cassie's arm and the moment he saw what I was doing, he disappeared again. Before Cassie and the others could look at what I was pointing out, he was gone. How was he doing that? It was as if he was acting some kind of horror movie with me. He was freaking me out.

"What is it Gianna?" Cassie asked, concerned written all over her face. I couldn't speak up. My lips quivered as I whispered, "I just saw Louis Wilson." They all looked shocked and glared at me as if I was going crazy. "Where?" Frankie asked.

"Here. In the room. He was standing next to that table at first and I just saw him sitting on that table ." I said as I showed them the table. They looked around for some time and then exchanged unbelievable looks. They think I'm lying? Why would I lie about this? Cassie held on my hand and pressed down on it a little. They think I am now seeing things.

"What? You think I'm going crazy?" I asked. "No sweetie. We would never think like that. It might be your imagination." After several minutes trying to convince me Louis was not here, I finally agreed with them. What they were saying made complete sense. Maybe I'm just tired or something.

Food was served and I tried to concentrate on my food but I just kept tapping my feet on the floor. I felt so uneasy. "Gianna, eat your food. There is no one here." Cassie whispered to me. I once again looked around and everyone was just eating and smiling at each other. Nothing looked suspicious and no one looked familiar except the ones I was with. Maybe I was really just thinking to much.

I looked at my food and it smelled and looked delicious. I started eating and I could admit it was one of the nicest food I've had in days. Soon, I started to forget about Louis as if he never exist. Frankie was making me laugh over the things we were saying. He cracked jokes and kept describing how Kelvin has become broad, tall and big.

I can't wait to meet and talk to him. I just wonder how I will feel when I physically touch him after all these years. I'm sure he will still exudes confidence and charisma just from his demeanour and the way he talks.

The light in the restaurant suddenly turned off, giving way to a dim light in the room. What was going on? Before I could process everything around me, spotlights feel on someone in black pants and coat just on the stage in front of us. The person had his back turned to us and there was a mic in his hands. Then he started talking.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I have something important to say. There is this one girl who has always been on my mind and I can't just get rid of her. She is very beautiful that whenever I see her, I feel stars in my head. She doesn't see me the way I see her but I hope she could really give me a chance this time and I promise I'm going to love her to bits."

Oh my God, who is this guy? He is so sweet. Who is the girl breaking his heart? Poor guy. He really loves her. I hope the girl agrees to him this time. As he ended his speech, everyone applauded and asked him to go for the girl. Cassie shouted, "what are you waiting for? Ask her out already."

The guy slowly turned around and my eyes landed on the familiar pair of eyes that I thought I was imagining not long ago.
Louis Wilson.

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