Chapter 1

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It is said that one can fall in love just by looking at the person for the very first time. It's usually accompanied by heartbeats and a warm funny feeling in the stomach. One might say butterflies. What is even perfect is how beautiful love is when shared with the right person. Everyone deserves love, I deserve love, you deserve love and it is the most wonderful and loving gift from above. Love, as we all know is a warm personal attachment or deep affection for someone. I felt it to. The strong passionate affection for someone.

It was a Wednesday night. I was done with my chores and was ready for a well-earned down time. Finally, I turned on the TV and collapsed into my favourite chair. I could finally watch my TV show. As if on cue, Mum appeared from nowhere and she didn't look happy. What have I done again?

"Stacie! Why are you wasting your precious time watching TV when you are supposed to be helping your sister with her home assignment? For once in your lifetime do as you are told" she said. Yeah. I knew I was supposed to help my sister with her assignment but I just didn't feel like it.

" Here we go again" I muttered loud enough to be heard. "Why can't I do what I want? At least I'm grown enough." I added. "What did you say young lady?" She asked folding her arms on her chest. "Nothing Mum" I said rolling my eyes.

 "Nothing Mum" I said rolling my eyes

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Wait.That was not me. That was my little sister. I have two little sisters. Stacie is 11 years old and Liliana(lily) is just 8 years old. Even though they are three years apart, they behave like twins. Twins, I mean they shared things, they fight all the time and they are really best buddies. Well, as I always say they are twins born on different days. And that was Stacie. The grumpy and rude girl but sweet in the house.

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