Chapter 39

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I could hear noises right in my ears. They are more like whispers. I rolled on my bed and used the duvet to cover my ears. What was going on? I lazily sat on the bed rubbing my hand in my hair. Cassie was not beside me and I knew something was wrong. I mean Cassie is always the last to wake up from bed and today she is not on the bed. I looked at the clock and yeah, it was half past nine. I woke up late. How could I wake up this late?

The odd part was the noise still continued. I went into the washroom and brushed my teeth. I never go out without brushing first. I tied my hair in a ban. My oversized pyjamas looking good this morning. It has always been oversized. But today, it kinda looked really good on me. The door opened and I walked out of the washroom to find Cassie looking for me on the bed. As soon as she spotted me, she pulled me into a hug.

"Congratulations Gianna. I'm very proud of you. In fact I've never been this proud of you." She said. Huh? Why? Did I do something? When she pulled away, I raised my eyebrows in question. She just ignored me, held me by hand and pulled me out of the room. When we got to the living room, she shouted, "look everyone. Here is the bride to be."

To my surprise everyone started clapping. Bride to be? Mom Lisa walked over to me and hugged me. "Oh honey! I am so happy. Finally you will be my daughter." She said grinning from from ear to ear as if I was some kind of angel who was going to bring blessings to them. My eyes trailed down to everyone. They were all smiling at me.

"We've started the preparation." They've already started the preparations? When is the wedding? "Sweetie come here. You won't be mine in a week to come. You will be your husband's." Mommy opened her arms as she rushed towards me with a teary face. One week? This was what Kelvin meant when he said I should get enough sleep for today? I'm marrying him in a week time?

Honestly, I'm happy but I was just surprised. It came as a surprise to me. "We need to shop for the wedding dress tomorrow." Mom Lisa shouted dancing with her hands in the air. Mom joined her and they both danced around the room humming one of Justin Bieber's song. It was a sight. I knew they were excited but I'm the bride to be. I should be more excited but no, they were the ones rejoicing.

It took few seconds when Cassie gasped and shouted, "the ring." Right. Mom and Mom Lisa looked at each other with their eyes wide. The probably forgot about that. "The ring!!" They both repeated looking as if the wedding was just this afternoon and they forgot the ring. Mom walked past me and soon they were walking around the room thinking of what to do. They needed to relax.

"Mom, Mom Lisa, you need to relax. We have six days to prepare not six hours." I said looking at them. They stood still for a while when Stacie shouted from nowhere, "what are we going to wear?" Oh no. Stacie doesn't know when to keep he mouth shut. I wanted to help them to relax and there she goes.

"Oh no. That too. You don't understand honey." Mom said looking as if she was about to cry. "We haven't yet distributed the invitations cards and where will the wedding be held?" Mom Lisa continued. Seriously? They are going to stress themselves. We are more than enough to take care of those stuffs. But the mothers took it upon themselves.

"Gianna just let them be. You can't stop mothers." Kelvin. Where was he? I looked around the room but I didn't see him. "Right here." He raised his hands in the air. He was seated behind the couch holding his laptop is his hands. He was working on something and I knew it was very important. Why was he sitting on the floor behind the couch?

I walked over and sat next to him. "I'm hiding from them. They never wanted to leave me alone when I told them we are getting married in a week time." That explains a lot. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm great." Kelvin narrowed his eyes at me as if he was checking if I was really okay. Why wouldn't I be okay?

"No part of your body hurts?" He asked. I shook my head. What is wrong with him? Is there anything I should know? He smiled and nodded. "Come here. Do you like this design?" Kelvin asked gesturing towards me. He was working on our invitation card himself. His design was so elegant and beautiful.

"Do you like it?" Of course I did. It was made by Kelvin so why wouldn't I like it? But the fact was that it was really beautiful. He showed me the next design. When did he wake up to do all these? Or he didn't sleep last night. It was difficult to choose. They were both really beautiful.

But I liked the first one. Do you know why? It was simple but yet elegant. Kelvin used my favourite colour, pink for it and I just knew he spent a lot of time on that. The other one was equally beautiful. The difference was that it was too fancy and the colour was too bright unlike the pink which was classy.

"I choose the first." I said. Kelvin smiled at me as if he knew I was going to choose that. He rubbed my back and said, "I knew you would choose that. That's why I put in a lot of effort and used your favourite colour." See. I told you. I knew him better that everyone else.

"Why don't we go out tonight? I mean if that is okay with you." He placed his laptop down holding my hand and squeezing it lightly. His hands were soft, warm and made me feel relaxed . "We can go out." I said. Kelvin smiled at me and kissed my hand. I could get used to this smile. His warm smile always made me feel at ease.

He closed his laptop and set it down on the mini table beside him. I was still in my oversized pyjamas. Another me could fit perfectly in it, trust me. Kelvin held me to stand and when I was walking into my room was when I felt it. A sharp pain shot through me and I could feel it in my abdomen. I took in deep breaths to relax a bit as I stood in the corridor. What date is today? I looked through my phone and Yes, today is 8th. My worst nightmare. I didn't even notice today was it. Great it choose the perfect time to spoil my day.

My abdomen clenched and I bit down on my lower lips to steady my groans. Why does it hurt badly today? I clenched my toes and closed my eyes shut. This felt so bad. It was as if someone was using a knife to stab my abdomen. I felt Kelvin's arm around me. "Baby, are you okay?" He asked and I shook my head. No it is not. I feel like dying.

"I just had my period." Kelvin only nodded. He only nodded. What? I feel pain in me and he is only nodding? "I know. I didn't let anyone wake you early because I knew you will get your period today. That was why I asked if you were okay earlier." That explains a lot. He knew when I get my period? That is so thoughtful. I felt a sharp pain again. Oh my God. Is someone kicking my stomach? I let out a soft groan.

"It is painful right? I knew it will be painful. I thought allowing you to get enough sleep will reduce the pain. What should I do?" He is acting as if he is the one responsible for it. He run his hands through his hair as if he poured sand in it and kept tapping his head to think. "Should I run you a bath?" He asked finally getting his eyes back on me. "I want to take a shower. I'm sure I will be okay."

"No you wouldn't. I have no idea how it is hurting but I know it hurts. Will you be able to bath alone or I should ask Cassie to help you." He held my shoulders while looking worriedly into my eyes. His eyes were as if he was feeling the pain I was going through. "I've managed this for like 12 years of my life. I can manage."

"12 years? I can't imagine the pain you must have gone through. I'm so sorry." What? He is overreacting. But it was hurting. I curled my toes so hard to steady myself. "Kelvin, I'm not dying. It's just cramps." He nodded. "Go and take your bath. I'll be waiting for you." I walked over to the door. Kelvin kept staring at me as if I was a toddler he is supposed to keep eyes on. Very funny. He was worried.

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