Chapter 5

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FYI, There is a bit of curse words in this chapter. Just as a warning. Nothing to bad though. Anyway, lets get into this!

James's POV:

" SEVREUS!" I caught him as the Blacks and Malfoy ran over. 

" Someone take him to the hospital wing!" The teacher yelled, panicked. Jee, I though she didn't care. Wait, don't distract yourself James. I lifted him up and ran outside. The halls where empty so no one was there to stop and question me. Thank god. I kicked the door down grabbing the attention of our new nurse, Madam Pomfrey.

" James Potter! What is the meaning of-"

" Snape's been poisoned!" 

" Put him on a bed and get out." I did as she said and walked out of the hall straight into Narcissa Black. 

" Where. Is. He?" She asked sternly. 

" In the wing. Madam Pomfrey is looking at him." Just then, a bunch of people stormed out of the doors. Luckily, my friends where here too so it just looked like we where fighting again. 

" Well, lets go James." Sirius said, clearly bored, and not really caring. I glared for a bit before sighing. We walked by, but just as I walked by Regulus Black I whispered, " tell me if he gets better will you?" And continued walking as if I didn't say anything. We got to the dorm and I face planted into the bed.

" James don't you have class?" Remus said, who was just getting a book before leaving.

" Oh yeah." I got up again and started to walk to class. I heard someone yell my name, and I turned to see a girl with bright fire like hair running toward me.  I stopped and let her catch up. 

" Hey James!"

" Hey Lily. What's up?" 

" Oh I was just wondering if I could walk to class with you?" 

" Sure." We got to  class and sat down. Lily insisted on sitting next to me so no going back there. He was just talking and no spell practicing, so it was pretty boring. At least it was my last class until dinner. Then I have astronomy. Ugh.  Why did I even take that class again? 

" Mr. Potter!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. " Will you answer the question?"

" Uh...what...was the question again?" He sighed and repeated. " Arresto Momentum was originally developed for what purpose?" 

" Uhhh, slowing a quaffle?" 

" When?"

" When it's...falling?" 

"...correct. Now pay attention Potter." He gave me a warning look and went back to teaching. I released a breath relief and started to actually pay attention. 

Severus's POV:

I open my eyes to a high celling and a bunch of white. My head was pounding and I have no idea what happened, which doesn't help with my headache. 

" Ah. You are awake. About time really." 

" Ugh. What happened?" I asked, sitting up.

" You got poisoned by those water roses. I swear. That teacher has no sense at all sometimes." She huffed. 

" It took you a while to get up. You will need to stay in here until dinner is over so I can see if anything is wrong or not." I nodded and lied back down, sighing. Great. I'm going to miss my classes. Just. Great. I groaned and turned over. Who even brought me here? Probably one of my friends or something. 

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