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Warmth was the beginning. The feel of it heated Esme's skin, a contrast to what she usually experienced in the cell. It sank deep within her, creating clarity of light. The Manor was bright, wide and open. 

Vast amount of spaces contained rich jewels and ancient antiques that all combined with a mesmerizing style. It was as if she was trapped through a mirror glass, watching the unexpected events of her life unfold before her. Her eyes trailed along the ceiling, noticing the chandelier with thick crystals glistening in the sunlight.

The reflection bounced back onto them resembled a rainbow, visionary colours of several sorts. The furniture was a lush white, snow-coloured without a speck of dust. The interior contrasted against the dark exterior, balancing the semblance of two vivid shades. 

Esme sighed in content as the aroma of roses entered her senses. Her favourite flower, the crimson shade representing the way life birthed death.

Her eyes snapped towards the paintings. Heirs of the Malfoy family lined up together. Portrait after portrait. The movement of their eyes watching her sent chills down her spine.

Forgetting that Scorpius was beside her, she nervously turned, shy to meet his eyes. Beyond his mere image, he was unknown to her. She had nothing to rely on, no memories to fall back on and reflect among. Her lips sealed tight as her eyes flickered. She didn't remember anything.

She didn't know if he was the same person she could build connections with, Memories and an actual presence were complete differences. Unreal at the most.

"I'm so sorry, Esme." The words slipped from his lips.

She blinked, and before she could grasp what was happening, Scorpius pulled her into his arms. Esme immediately stiffened, and the chill ran deeper within her. Her bones turned cold, resembling rock. 

The beat of her heart increased. The sound pounded in her ears, blocking out the rest of the world. Her body was frozen in place, no matter how much she wanted to pull away. The touch of another human felt wrong, an illegal sensation that she never deserved. Being touched with care was not meant for her anymore. 

She didn't deserve the pity and sympathy of anyone.

"Sc-o-r-p, plea-se let g-o-o."

Scorpius stilled in her arms, and he instantly dropped his hold, stepping back to stare at her face. She noticed the way his eyes fell shallow in disappointment. 

Her heart pained in her chest, and she suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her. Esme took a wobbly step forward, reaching for his hand, but instead, he quickly retracted from her touch. 

For a second, she could swear she saw a flash of disgust take over his features before they relaxed into a small smile.

She felt her breathing pick up in speed, her heart now starting to hurt. She wondered if everyone was going to be disgusted by her for the rest of her life.

Like a poison that would hurt anyone to heal.

"I'm sorry," He paused, opening his mouth. Esme's eyes fell to the floor. She waited in silence.

"You can't talk?"

Esme shook her head, lifting her eyes as she felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Scorpius's eyes softened, and it was a warning something was off. Her breathing grew heavier as she gazed upon the broadness of the Manor.

She was in the open with a house that had unlimited space. The Manor was endless, almost as if the end would never come.

The walls would never box her inside. It was too large, and she felt trapped. Esme felt the need to be closed in.

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