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The past three weeks have felt like a fever dream.

Kay and I went to the festive almost a month ago and the fans and media seem to believe it.

Kay and I did a few other small things for management, nothing like the festive, smaller, like walking together to get coffee, or the classic dinner at an overly expensive restaurant.

We were being talked about on every tabloid in the world.

I was used to it, but Kay wasn't. Jeff had to send someone round last week to give Kay some media training.

Kay also got himself a manager, who isn't linked to Jeff, to represent him when it comes to job offers.

I'm glad he's receiving what I promised him. He's Happy.

Me on the other hand......

I was being completely shut out by Harry.

He hasn't spoken to me since the morning he left... which was just under a month ago.

I unfortunately have gotten used to it. I don't cry ever night and haven't shared a bed with Niall in over two weeks.

I also haven't sent him a text since the festive. There was no point.

He was punishing me, and I can't understand why, but I won't give him the satisfaction of it anymore.

I decided to just wait till he gets home.

That hurts my heart a little bit. The unknown of what will happen when Harry comes home, will he still love me, will he still want me.

On a happier side of things, I'm now fully out to the world and accepted by society, that's got to mean something.

Niall ordered us a rainbow cake as a celebration, it was great, I don't think I could have thanked him enough for the gesture.

Niall even surprised me with the boys coming home from their break as well.

Well, Zayn and Liam came home a couple days ago and celebrated with us.

Zayn showed me some of the baby scan photos him and Gigi kept. I was going to be an Uncle.

At the moment all of us are in the recording session with Julian, not to record anything but just for small discussions and alterations about the songs or if we want to sing something in a different key, basically adding the small details.

''Why isn't Harry here?'' Julian asked, pointing his gaze specifically at Zayn.

''He said he's doing all of his recordings from home and sending them in, remember we discussed the PLANNNNNN before we left'' Zayn replied, drawing out the word plan, giving Julian a weird gaze.

''oh-OH sorry lads I completely forgot'' Julian said, his eyes quickly scanning over my face before looking down at the sound board which is hand was resting on.

''You spoke to Harry?'' I ask, feeling almost a little betrayed by my bandmate.

Zayn turned to me with sad eyes.

''If I told you, it would have made you feel worse'' He half whispered, Niall and Liam who were standing in between us both looked a little uncomfortable.

''Great so my boyfriend can speak to you when he fancies but not me'' I roll my eyes. Liam looked down at his feet. I felt my adams apple wobble. ''Has he messaged you too?'' I ask, betrayal laced in my voice. Liam didn't make eye contact with me, still facing the floor. Niall's head shot straight at Zayn; he was always very obvious to read. I take a step back, shocked. ''He has hasn't he'' I close my eyes and pull my hand up to pinch the bridge of my nose.

''Louis we didn't want to hurt you'' Liam tried but Julian raised his hand.

''I'm not having another session ruined by you boys fighting, I don't care of you have a boxing match later but just not now, okay? Louis. Boys. We have so much work to do today and we are already down a member'' He pleaded.

I begin to nod my head.

''Sure'' Was all I was able to mutter.


We've been in the rehearsal for just under an hour and everything's fine, all it took was one MASSIVE voice crack from Liam while singing a solo to have us all behaving like chaotic boys we are at heart.

''LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON. PUT. THE.CHAIR. DOWN.'' Julian screeched and all of us erupted into giggled, me putting the chair down back onto the floor at the same time.

''On that note boys, your part of the songs is done, I just need to add yours and Harry's together.'' Julian states and all of us mumble and grunt, none of us didn't particularly want to leave. ''Well, you are more than welcome to stay and chat in here while I edit?'' He finishes.

''We will try and stay quiet'' Liam said, walking over to the small fridge and pulling out a handful of beers, passing one to each of us. He motioned one in the direction of Julian, but he shook his head.

Liam guided us over to the small circle of beanbags on the floor in the far end of the room.

''Lou'' Niall said, huffing as he sat on the floor, crossing his legs. I look in his direction. ''I only spoke to Harry once'' He started, and the smile gets wiped off my face. ''It was when you had to stay in my room, I called him, angry, so so so angry I could have hit him Lou, I wanted to know his reasons for hurting you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you'' He move his free hand which wasn't holding a cold beer and patted my knee.

''Its alright Nialler, I'm okay now, it was just a little shock at first.'' I chuckle and Liam gives me a half-hearted smile.

''You and him will be okay Lou, he loves you, so so much and staying away is hurting him just as much as it is you, believe me, but you have to trust him and trust us too, it will all work out'' Zayn told me, sounding stern, yet so sure of himself.

''There's something you aren't telling me'' I squint my eyes at Zayn and he looked down, then back up to meet my eyes.

''I want you to believe me, and trust me, there is a reason for it, okay?'' Zayn replied slowly and I nodded.

''Alright'' I huffed.

''Remember Harry is also protective of you, if he didn't trust you or Kay, he wouldn't have left'' Liam adds and I crinkle my forehead.

He had a point there.

''He confuses the shit out of me Liam'' I chuckle.

''He's also slightly jealous Kay is your first public boyfriend and not him, but he says it half-heartedly'' Liam adds, and my eyes widen.

''You spoke about me to him?'' I rush out and Liam laughs.

''You're acting like a high schooler with a crush'' Niall cackled.

''I just really want some sort of sign from him, and if it comes from you, so be it'' I add, and Liam looks warmly at me.

''He loves you'' He ushered, and I nodded. My smile growing slightly as I move my head and look at the carpet.

''You know, I will find out why you are all acting so weird'' I state and they all chuckle.

''You will, and you'll thank us'' Zayn stated and moved his beer to his lips.

''You Zayn, are the sneakiest and mischievous one of all'' I point at him with a smirk, so he knew I was joking.

''I learnt from the best what can I say?'' He smirked back and shrugged his shoulders at me, and Niall cackled.

''We love you Lou'' Niall sing-songed.

And it wasn't till he said those exact words left his mouth, the funny side died, and I was left with the overwhelming feeling of loneliness.

I miss Harry so fucking much.

I LOVE IT WHEN WE PLAY 1950 (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now