And I Wont Hesitate To Give My All For You

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It's been about a week since Eleanor and I had broken up, and in all seriousness, it was okay, I was feeling pretty good. Back to my old Tommo self.

All of us are sitting in another studio session with Julian, we had a few more last week which went well. No issues at all. We even chose one of Niall's songs he wrote for the album. It was called 'Black and White'. We haven't recorded yet but it's a step forward.

Today Josh had decided we should do another singing exercise, like the one we did at the very first session.

''Okay so, instead of you guys just singing covers, we need to bring you together as a group again slowly, and to do that you will need to make sacrifices for each other, that can vary from letting someone else singing the verse you liked the best or someone else hitting the high notes, so to get all of us back into that habit we are doing a group exercise.'' He looked around all of us for approval. ''I will write all your names in a hat, there will be one group of two and one group of three. You will sing a song together and perform it for the rest of us''. Josh says moving his head down and writing our names on pieces of paper, he moved to his head and picked up a baseball cap which he must have brought with him and placed the names into the hat.

''Ready?'' He asks and we all nod. ''So the first person who will be in the duet is........Harry'' He says and Harry nods in agreement.

''Okay so now the next two names I pull out will be part of the trio'' He states and ruffles his hand in the cap picking out two pieces of paper. ''Niall and Liam''.

They looked quite pleased as I watched them high-five each other.

''Okay so the next person will join Harry for the duet, the person who's left will join Niall and Liam'' He draws his hand back into the hat again, lingering his hand in the cap drawing suspense. I finally pull one out. ''The person who's joining Harry is....... Louis, Zayn you're with the other boys''. Josh says slightly on edge, all the boys had a weird face too.

I don't think I realized what this meant when he called my name out. Only hit me ten seconds later when the boys were separating themselves from Harry and I, going off into their own group to work on song arrangements.

Harry begins to walk over to the beanbags in the corner of the room, plopping himself down with a 'humph' as his body collided with the beanbag.

I follow him sheepishly. I wasn't sure what to expect, was Harry going to act like an asshole this entire session or would he just be professional and be.... Well... a semi decent person.

I plop myself next to him, my thigh slightly brushing his shoulder as I sat.

''Do you have any ideas of songs we can sing?'' I ask, I realized if I start the conversation off I can judge what mood Harry is in based off of how he answers.

''Well, your voice sounds good with songs with a slower tempo'' He begins, obviously in a decent mood as he hasn't shouted at me yet. ''So, I think we do a slow song, I have a couple in mind if you want to look?'' He asks, his eyes light up as he turns to me, he was obviously a little excited.

''Yeah, sure hand me the list.''

He passes his phone over to show his notes, he obviously had some cover songs prepared to sing if we needed to do it for another writing session. I skim though them, one of the songs catches my eye, I loved the song, we should sing that one. I as I scrolled to the top of the page the note page closed revealing the names of all the notes Harry had ever saved. Most of them like 'remember butter from Tescos' and 'Message Jeff about tour' but one of them stuck out.

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