Chapter 17

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          "Yup!" Percy sighed. "This is the life." He said. The beach was beautiful it was clear and there were fish swimming all around. The tides weren't to high and the orange sunset was just amazing. Oh and the most gorgeous and most intelligent woman Percy had ever seen was right next to him.

          Annabeth laughed as she rested her head on her chair and took a sip of her drink. It was a yellow drink with red at the bottom and there were cherries on top of it.

          Percy had a cimarrona. It was basically sparkling water with lemon in it and salt and lemon on the edge of the cup. It was delicious.

          They were in Guatemala enjoying the beach and the warmth. The others had gone to do something else and left Annabeth and Percy to enjoy the calm breeze.

           This was the mental health vacation that the gods had given us. It was great. They had tried all kinds of foods already and Percys favorite was just chicharrones con limón y sal. It was simple yet tasty.

            We could have gone to Mexico or something but Leo insisted they go to Guatemala claiming that the beaches were great and the people were great and the traffic was terrible.

           Well that's how They ended up here. It was great. They  had already gone to Rio Dulce and San Martin. They went to Xetulul and Xejuyup and Xocomil, which were awesome amusement parks. We all had fun.

          Now after all the traveling, they finally took a day off where we would just go wherever we wanted to. Calypso and Leo went to go explore, Clarisse surfing, Frank and Hazel went on a fancy date, Jason and Piper took a stroll in the beach, Nico and Will went on a fancy date as well. Thalia decided to go on a long walk. Annabeth and Percy decided to just chill at the beach while Annabeth read a book and Percy watched the waves.

           Honestly they just needed a break. Fighting monsters everyday was hard and as much as camp felt like home, they just needed a brake from all the chaos.

           "What are you reading, Wise Girl?" Percy asked.

"Chaos Walking." Her voice sounded so sad. Percy turned around to look at her and saw that she was crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Manchee." She whispered.

"What?" Percy asked confused on what that meant."

"The dog!" She cried out loud.

"Um, right the dog. Are you going to be ok?"


"Great! So what do you wanna talk about?"

"Well..." Annabeth fidgeted with her hands. "I'm curious and you don't have to answer my question but I was wondering. What happened after you were... you know...raped." She said the last word quietly as if trying to convince herself that what happened didn't happen.

           "Things went downhill from that." Perch sighed. "I...well I used to do pretty good in school and then I just stopped caring. My grades fell. Mom was worried but she never pressed. She knew I was smart and she would never make me feel bad about it. I think she knew that something was going on just not exactly what."

          Percy thought back to the disappointed teachers that he would have to face whenever report cards came out.

         "I hate to say it but... that year was also the same year that I started smoking."

          Annabeth drew a sharp breath. "But you quit right?"

          "Yes." Percy confirmed. "Thankfully I was able to break the habit when I went to Yancy and I didn't see Gabe anymore. I wish I had quit sooner but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It gave me a calming sensation. I can't explain it but I'm glad I quit."

           "What was your escape from it all?" Annabeth asked.

           "The water." He answered. "And Grover."

"Grover is great, isn't he?" Annabeth smiled fondly.

"Yeah. He was my first real friend. I mean he technically wasn't my friend at the beginning. He was just forced to protect me but... over time I guess he just became my real friend. He's a great guy."

"He really is."

"Well before all of Yancy and after all of Gabe I started skipping school. Not really caring anymore."

"I don't really blame you. I can't pretend to understand but I know it must have been really really bad."

"Yeah." Percy confirmed. "It got to a point where I just wanted it all to end."

"You mean, you wanted to die? You were willing to?"

"In a way." Percy contemplated. "I wasn't going to die in the hands by of Gabe. If I was going to die, then it was going to be by my own two hands. I'm stubborn that way." Percy joked.

Annabeth snorted. "Truer words have never been said. Even a volcano couldn't kill you. And half the time the reason your nearly die is because you did something really stupid."

"Yup." Percy said, grinning. He pecked Annabeth on the check before getting up to sit on her chair and cuddling with her.

"Can I ask another question?" Annabeth murmured.

"No ones stopping you." Percy hummed.

"I know this will sound a bit stupid."

"Nothing you saw will ever sound stupid to me." Percy told her.

She smiled softly. It quickly faded though. "Why didn't you kill yourself. I mean I don't want you to die and I couldn't live with myself if you died and I didn't but, it's just, you didn't know me before and you said you didn't have friends so why did you stay alive? Why didn't you just kill yourself?"

Percy sighed. "To be honest? I don't know. Half of the reason was for my mom. How could I ever leave her with him. I couldn't. I wouldn't. But the other reason. I think I was afraid. I thought about committing suicide millions of times but I was afraid of what would happen. I didn't believe in any types of gods back then so I didn't know what would happen if I died. Would I just become nothing. A dead body with no thoughts and no movement not even a tiny bit of myself left in existence? Or would some god send me to hell for not believing in them. I was a coward honestly. I didn't want to see what was on the other side. Now I know and I'm glad I didn't kill myself. I would never have met you. And I would be a soulless thing floating in the Fiels of Asphodel."

There was a moment of silence as they both thought over what he had said. Annabeth rubbed slow circles on Percy's back. "I'm glad your still alive. I couldn't imagine a world without you. I love you Seaweed Brain."

Percy kissed her on the lips. "I love you more then anything else in the world."

"Even blue cookies?!?!"

"Oh hush."

Done! I hoped you liked it. Love you guys!

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