Chapter 7

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           When Artemis and I came back to the throne room all the demigods were bouncing of the walls and couldn't sit still for even a second. Well, except for Annabeth and Frank. Annabeth was reading a book while twirling a strand of her hair on her finger and Frank was sharpening his arrows while trying his hardest to ignore Ares who was giving him pointers in how to kill people brutally.

         Leo and Hephaestus were messing with some pieces of metal and screws and pipe cleaners and every ten seconds it would explode and Hephaestus would have to put out his beard because it caught on fire.

         Thalia, Jason. and Nico were restyling while their Piper placed bets on who would win. Will was on standby with a first aid kit and Hazel was fanning her face and trying to stop the fight with no luck.

         The other gods were arguing and fighting about everything they could think of. Artemis rolled her eyes and clapped her hands really loud. Unfortunately nobody paid attention to her and continued to do their own thing.

         "Artemis?" I asked her. She turned to me with a questioning glance. "Can I try?" I asked with a slight smirk. "I'm a New Yorker. I know how to get peoples attention." I said, mirth playing in my eyes.

         Artemis looked a bit confused but nodded nonetheless. "Cover your ears." I told her.

        Annabeth must have seen us come in so when she heard that she instantly dropped her book and covered her ears. Artemis covered her ears as well. Hestia covered her ears all the way from the hearth and winked at me. I took a deep breath and put two finger in my mouth and blew out with my eyes shut tight.


        Everyone immediately stopped doing whatever they were doing and clutched their ears, groaning in pain. Even Artemis, Hestia, and Annabeth were groaning in pain. Just a little bit less then the others.

         "What was that?!?!" Jason asked while squinting. He was practically yelling, probably because he couldn't hear very well.

         "It was a taxi cab whistle. I'm a New Yorker. Can you really blame me? Besides Artemis had already tried to get your attention and it didn't work. And also it was really fun." I said, a hint of a smile creeping up my lips.

"Gods of Olympus." Leo said. "We need to visit the streets of New York one day and see what it's like there."

I frowned. Have they never been to New York? I mean they went back in forth from Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood so I assumed they had gone to New York before and not just stayed there. "Have any of you guys ever been to New York?" I asked.

None of the demigods raised their hands except for Annabeth. Annabeth had visited my mom a lot so it makes sense that she would have known New York a little more.

"Unbelievable." I muttered.

"Wait." Frank said drawing everyone's attention. "Your a New Yorker?" He asked and everyone else questioned me as well.

"What does that even- yes- of course I'm a New Yorker! Born n' raised." I exclaimed. Annabeth chuckled a bit and shook her head as she kept reading. The others looked a bit confused and I was confused as to why they were confused.

"So then," Piped started, tentatively "Where's your accent?" She asked and Hazel nodded from beside her agreeing with what Piper had said.

"I uh... I don't use it." I said nervously while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Why?!?!" Leo asked with a perplexed face. "It would be so much fun not to mention awesome!" He said now grinning like a maniac.

I grinned shyly and shook my head.

"Let me guess." Jason said with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Your step-father bullies you about it." He said and I hesitated before nodding slightly.

"Well," Hazel said, with a glint in her eyes. "We would never bully you about this and we love you very much. It's your choice if you want to but I think it would be pretty cool."

I looked at Annabeth and she grinned and nodded to me. I let out a laugh and grinned. "You straight up tripin'?" I said feeling my thick accent come from my mouth. Gods, I missed this accent. It felt so good.

"No, were not straight up tripping. It's cool." Will laughed. That's so cool." Leo murmured smiling at me. Nico nodded in agreement. "How does it feel Perce?" Nico asked me with a small smile when he saw my huge grin.

"Good." I mumbled, my face starting to heat up.

Annabeth laughed. "Keep the accent Perce. It suits you."

I nodded. "Oh!" I said making everyone look at me again. I turned to Zeus who had an eyebrow raised at me. "Yo, can we take a tour to New Yawk? Instead of doing this meeting?" I asked. I was starting to like this accent. It had been a long time since I've used it.

"Ohhh!" Annabeth said, closing her book for the first time since we'd gotten here. "We should go. There's so many cool museums and statues and places to visit! Please?" She asked Zeus.

"Let them go." Artemis said, finally walking back to her throne. "They need a break and we haven't given them one in a long time. Besides, all this rewatching memories thing can not be good for Percy's mental health." She said smiling at us as our grins grew wider.

Zeus looking at all the gods who were nodding in agreement. Zeus sighed and I knew we had won. "Fine." He said and waved his hand at us. "Go before I change my mind." And then all the gods flashed out not before giving their kids a small smile.

"Yes!" I said, while fist pumping the air."

"Where are we going first oh great New York City tour guide?" Leo asked.

And done! So sorry to those of you New Yorkers who are reading. I know lien 0% of New Yorkers so obviously I'm gonna mess up on Percy's accent. Also! If you guys no a story where Perce has a New York accent please tell me! I don't know why but I'm in love with it!

Thank you all for reading! Love you guys! Till next time!

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