Chapter 3

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                           Beginning of Memories

          The apartment was homey. It felt just right. Sure it was small, but it was beautiful nevertheless. The place was spotless and smelled of warm cookies. The wall we're a really light blue color. The floors were hardwood floor and there were crayons and papers littered on a small dinner table that only fit four people. If you looked close enough you could see evidence that a strong loving single mother lived with an adventurous and mischievous boy around four years old. There were millions of pictures of a boy doing many things like playing soccer, drawing, and going to school.

          Suddenly the door of the small apartment flew open and in walked a little boy and his mother. The boy had jet black hair and sea green eyes that seemed to reflect his every emotion. He had lightly tanned skin and a lopsided grin that showed his troublemaker side. He looked around four years old and was bouncing up and down on his feet.

          The woman that followed the happy boy looked beautiful. She had brown hair with a few streaks of grey in it.  She had blue eyes that shined with happiness whenever he looked at the boy right next to her.

           "Did you have a fun time Percy?" The woman asked the boy.

         "Yeah mom! I really did! Thank you so much! I love you!" The boy said hugging his mother.

           "I love you too, Percy." The mother whispered to her son. 

         They hugged for minutes on end. They finally let go and the mother smiled sadly at her son. "I have some news Percy. I...I'm getting married."

         "That's great mom! What's his name? Do you love him?" The boy said excitedly not seeming to catch the sadness in his mother's eyes.

          "His name is Gabriel Ugliano. Gabe for short." Percy frowned when she didn't say anything else like 'yes, I love him so much.' But he didn't say anything about it. His mother continued "He should be here soon. He'll be living here. Things will work out better if your nice to him, okay?" Percy didn't understand very well but he nodded anyways.

           Suddenly the door flew opened and slammed into the wall. The mother flinched visibly but then stood up and straightened herself. "Gabe." The woman said as a hello.

          "Sally." The man said with fake love. He was a fat and wasted looking man with a beer belly and three black hairs combed over his scalp. In other words he looked like a tuskless walrus in thrift store clothes. He walked over to Sally and kissed her on the cheek while dragging a hand down her back and pulling her thought close to her. He kissed her neck and Sally pushed him away.

          "Not now. Please. Not in front of my son. We can do this later. Please." Sally begged looking at Percy who was scowling at Gabe.

          The man growled at the woman and then glared at the boy. "Fine. I wanted to talk to the kid anyways. Go make something to eat. I'll get my fun later." Sally looked at her son with so much sadness. She then turned around and headed  towards the kitchen. "And both better be good!" The Gabe called to Sally with and evil smirk on his face. Sally stopped shuddered and then started walking again without looking back.

"Do you treat her right?" Percy blurted out once Sally had left the room. He turned to look at the ugly man in front of him. Percy felt like he knew the answer to his question but he wanted to hear the right one come out of him.

         Gabe grinned. "She treats me right. There are other woman better but she was easy to get." He responded.

          Percy felt his blood boil with rage. How dare he speak of his mother like that! Sally was the worlds best mother in the world. Nobody could be better. "How dare you." Percy whisper snapped at the man, careful not to let his mother hear. "She deserves to be treated with respect. You're a terrible man."

          Gabe frowned and then growled. He lashed out faster than Percy could comprehend and then he was on the ground and Gabe had an arm launched out in front of him, his hand formed into a fist. Percy was on the ground and his eye was already bruising all around him. He whimpered but Gabe hit him again.

          "If you ever tell your mother about this I will personally beat her up until she stops breathing. Understood?" Gabe asked.

         Percy nodded frantically trying his hardest not to cry.

         Gabe slammed his fist in Percy's face again and Percy gasped in pain. "You will speak when you're spoken to. Understand?" Gabe snarled in the boys ear.

            "Yes." Percy whimpered.

          Gabe puches Percy again. "Yes sir." Gabe corrected. Percy wanted to gag from the smell of beer and cigarettes.

          "Yes sir." Percy said with a strained voice.

          Gabe nodded and sat on the couch and quickly fell asleep with loud snores. Percy quickly went upstairs in his room and looked at himself in his mirror. He had a swollen and bloody lip, a black eye, and multiple bruises forming along his jaw and cheek. Percy walked to his bed a layered down tears slowly falling from his face. He covered his ears to try and get rid of his moms pleas from her bedroom. He slowly fell asleep, tears still streaming from his eyes.

                           End of Memories

Percy's P.O.V

Everyone was staring me. I could feel them looking straight at me. I wouldn't look at them. I just stared a the marble floors. I felt hot tears stream down my face.

          What are they thinking about me? They probably think I'm weak.

Suddenly I was crushed in a bone breaking hug. I turned to see Annabeth hugging me. She was crying on my shoulder.

"Gods Percy. I can't believe you went through all that. It doesn't make you weak Perce. It makes you stronger." She said and my other friends surged forward to hug me. They whispered in agreement to Annabeth's words.

I smiled when I heard those words. I'm so lucky to have friends like them.

So that's it for now! Hope you liked it!

If you guys are getting restless and want me to update you can tell me and I'll try to update that day.

Thanks for reading! Love you guys 😘😁

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