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"Good morning! Let's eat!"

Beomgyu was surprised to see Jieun up early with a good mood. He was used to having breakfast alone because his sister would oversleep during weekends.

"Noona, do you have plans for today?"

"Nothing in particular. Why?"

"Just asking. I mean, it's Sunday and you always wake up late on weekends."

"Am I not allowed to change my routine anymore?" Jieun laughed lightly. "Take your seat. I prepared our breakfast."

Beomgyu was so delighted to see some real food on the table. He would always eat cereals since he stayed with Jieun and this was the first time that Jieun decided to cook breakfast for them.

"But you have to wash the dishes, okay?"

"Aish nonaaaaa!"

Jieun laughed at her silly brother. She then went outside the apartment and took a short walk around the neighborhood. She was feeling good.

After recalling the past last night, she made peace with herself and promised to forget and accept everything.

"This will be the last tear I'll shed for you."

"You didn't tell him, right?"

"I promised you before, so trust me. He knows nothing about this, Sooyoung."

"Thank you. Oh gosh. I missed you so much unnie!"

"I missed you too!" Although Jieun hates any form of physical affection, she let herself be hugged by her younger friend.

"So how's your work? I'm glad you're having your vacation here."

"It's really great, unnie. I'm having the best days of my life at the cruise. You know how much I wanted to travel and at the same time do my what I love. Everything's falling into its perfect place."

"That's good to know, Sooyoung. I'm so happy for you."

"How about you, unnie? I haven't heard much from you since I left. Tell me, how's everything doing?"

"Well, for a start, I wanna ask you a question." Jieun's cheerful face suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a serious one. "You remember Min Yoongi, right?"

Sooyoung's smile also started to fade. She didn't need to speak a single word for Jieun to know the answer.

"Well, he's back. And guess what?"

"About that, unnie..." Sooyoung reached for Jieun's hand. "I'm so sorry. Yijeong asked me to keep everything a secret from you."

"How much information do you know?"

"I know basically everything...from Yoongi being Yijeong's business partner, to him working and studying abroad and at the same time producing songs for Genius Lab. The only thing I did not know is that he's back."

Jieun closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. She just couldn't believe everyone she trusted hid everything about Yoongi.

"Unnie, I know I was not a good friend to you, but believe me, I tried so hard to convince Yijeong to just tell you the truth. I feel so bad that I haven't told you anything before I left. I'm really sorry."

Jieun wanted to scold Sooyoung, but she thought that it's too late to do that. "Okay, apology accepted." Jieun's smile was back. "Yijeong was really a pain in the ass, right?"

Both let out a big laugh.

"Anyway, have you and Yoongi already talked?"

"Talk about what?"

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