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Jieun did not know what to do. She wanted to run and hide, but it's too late for that. The man began walking again, eyes fixed on hers, this time with a smile on his face.



There was an awkward silence which broke when the waiter approached them to serve their food. They were not even aware of the time they remained standing, just staring at each other. Startled, Yoongi immediately offered the seat to Jieun. The latter was also still in shock but managed to sit back without falling.

"I'm not sure if you still remember me but-"

"Of course I do, Min Yoongi." Jieun finally found the words out of her mouth. How could she not forget.

Yoongi was quite surprised.

"Lee Jieun. It's nice to see you again. It's been ten years, I guess."

Jieun just nod and took a sip of her wine. She don't want the conversation to continue. She just wanted to go home.

"How are you? I haven't heard from you. Yijeong didn't bother to mention you when I talk to him about our projects." Yoongi was trying his best not to be nervous. As an introvert, it was so difficult for him to socialize. Specially with the woman in front of him.

"I'm fine." Jieun's voice almost sound monotonous. "Maybe Yijeong had good reasons not to talk about me." She was starting to feel uncomfortable. Everytime she'd attempt to look at him, their eyes would meet.

"Or maybe this was part of his plan after all this time. He wanted to surprise us."

"Surprise with what?" Jieun was confused.

"With this, our reunion. Do you know about this? Did he tell you that I'm back? Was this date your idea, Jieun ssi?" Yoongi can't seem to find the right words to utter. He figured that his answer was very awkward, but it's too late to take it back now.

Jieun paused. She doesn't know why he sounded arrogant all of a sudden.

"Yoongi ssi, for your information, this date wasn't intended for us at all. I just don't know why in the world did Yijeong decide to set this up because obviously, this isn't fun at all...." She was trying to remain calm but she just couldn't stop herself. The memory of the man she's with makes her blood boil. "...not with you around. This will never be fun."

Yoongi was more than shocked. He never expected the woman to get  furious. He was still figuring out what to tell her when the man playing the piano stopped to announce something.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be part of this wonderful moment. A memory that will last a lifetime, something worth celebrating. I would like to give my congratulations to the newly engaged couple, the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Jang Yijeong!"

Both were still oblivious with what was happening when the man approached them and asked them to step up at the center of the room for a dance.

"Sir, you might be mistaken. We're not a couple." Jieun felt the embarassment creep in her entire body. She just wanted the earth to swallow her alive.

"But ma'am. It's clear that table number 3 is for Mr. Jang Yijeong and his fiancé." The man answered, checking his notes to confirm once again.

Then it hit the both of them. Jang Yijeong, the man who set them up for this blind date, was planning to propose to his girlfriend. Jieun felt sad for her best friend's fate, but she set that thought aside. Her priority was to get out of the situation as soon as possible.

She was busy figuring out her escape plan when she noticed Yoongi's hand reaching out to her.

"I guess it's too late to run away now. And it's kinda rude to decline his offer. Right, Jieun ssi?" Yoongi smiled sweetly at her. He was somehow relieved. Judging Jieun's reaction, she seemed to forget about their prior conversation.

Jieun had no choice but to go with the flow. All eyes were on them as they started to dance along with the song.

"I swear I'm gonna kill Yijeong." Jieun was almost whispering to herself. She was furious, embarassed and disappointed all at the same time.

Yoongi on the other hand remained quiet. He tried his best to stay calm, though his heart was beating like crazy.

The three-minute dance lasted a lifetime for Jieun. She swore to herself not to agree on another blind date anymore.

Christmas vacation is fast approaching so I guess I can update fast (I hope). My head is full of ideas rn so I'll try my best to make the next chapters longer and more interesting hehe. Have a wonderful day!❤️

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