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After thinking about Yoongi's proposal, Jieun finally decided to agree—they will be using the song Jieun has kept for some time. Yoongi was so thankful. He was having doubts on asking her since he knew how special that song was for the lady. It was Jieun's song...the song closest to her heart.

August 2011

"Jieun-ah, what's wrong? Why did you bring me here?" Yoongi's curiousity made Jieun smile cutely.

It was almost sunset when Jieun and Yoongi arrived at an empty park. It was somehow strange to find themselves alone since the park was one of the places that people in the neighborhood go to during summer. Jieun decided to sit on the grass under a tree. Yoongi followed.

"It's a surprise. Close your eyes!"

Although anxious, the young man followed Jieun's instruction. Mainly because he did not want the girl to throw tantrums like she always do when he tries to make fun of her.

"What's happening? Can I open my eyes already?"

"Nope. Not yet. Just wait 'til I say so."

Yoongi was growing impatient. He could hear some rustling sound so he wanted to take a peek. But he chose not to. He wanted to be genuinely surprised like what Jieun expects from him.

"Okay, on the count of three. One, two, three, now!"

He slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a piece of paper in Jieun's hand. He took it from her and read what was written on it.

"We, under the orange sun,
without shadows, dance together
There is no such thing like a set goodbye
We'll see each other in those beautiful memories
Forever young"

"What is this, Jieunie?"

Jieun grabbed the paper and started singing the words. She would stop and start again, as if trying to remember the tune she memorized along with it.

Yoongi was very surprised. He knew that Jieun stopped singing when she lost her career and he still partly blames himself for it. He never thought that this day would come...he personally heard the girl's beautiful voice. Beautiful was even an understatement.

Yoongi was frozen for a moment. He just sat there watching Jieun hum random tunes after singing the short piece of song.

Indeed, so much has changed. They met at a very unexpected moment and met again just to end up hating each other. After his birthday few months ago, when Jieun accepted his apology. And now, they became good friends—something Yoongi had never expected.

"Hey, you okay?" The girl noticed him staring. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Yoongi came back to his sense. "You made it?"



"Okay, before you talk rude about my song like I did to you two years ago, may I remind you about what you said: you should listen to music without prejudice. It's only then that you'll—"

"It's beautiful." Yoongi cut Jieun's words with his. He didn't want the girl to feel anxious anymore.

"Really? Oh my gosh. I can't believe this!" Jieun got up and danced happily. She stopped when she noticed a couple looking at her. The park was not empty anymore.

Yoongi was pleased with Jieun's reaction—how happy she was at the present. He wanted to stop the hands of time and stay in the moment forever.

Jieun sat at the grass again, pouting. "But I'm having a hard time completing this song. I only wrote the chorus part although I already have the melody in my mind."

"That's not a problem, Jieunie. What is this song about, by the way?"

*"It's about sad yearning that stems from returning to the same place, not being able to move on, and keep getting lost in thoughts."

"Oh, why do you want to write a sad song? I don't think you're sad."

Jieun laughed softly. "No, I just had this very random thought and then ideas came pouring and bam!" She did a cute tiny clap, followed by her giggles.

Yoongi can't help but smile. Her laughter was music to his ears. Suddenly, he thought of an idea. "Do you have a pen?"

Jieun searched from her bag for the pen she used in writing the song. She gave it to Yoongi, and silently observed what he was going to write.

"Jieun-ah, can you hum again the melody of your song?

Jieun followed. She hummed the melody, repeating it over and over while Yoongi writes something on the paper where the lyrics was written. It was almost dark when the two decided to call it a day.

Yoongi handed the pen and the paper back to Jieun. "Here, check this when you get home. Let's meet here tomorrow. I'll bring my recorder along. We're gonna sing your song."

"Really?!" Jieun's eyes went big upon hearing what Yoongi had said. Out of happiness, she jumped to reach him and hugged him tightly. Yoongi was shocked, almost confused if what was happening was real. He just stood still, allowing the girl to get closer to him.

Jieun let go when she realized what she was doing. "I...I'm sorry." The blush on her cheeks was so obvious that she refused to show her face to Yoongi. She had no idea that the young man was also turning red.

"Let's go home?" Yoongi tried to avoid further awkwardness. He tried to stay calm as he walked Jieun home. The very moment they went on their separate ways, Yoongi jumped and jumped, as if he won the lottery.

While the team was busy talking about their plans, Yoongi was zoning out, recalling the happy past. He was too busy thinking that he didn't notice Jieun giving him the sweet smile he's been missing for years.

a/n: Personally, I'm too soft for this chapter🥺

*I actually love IU's explanation on what Eight was about, so I decided to add this part which she mentioned in the  behind the scenes of her music video. (quote and lyrics from The song was beautiful and painful at the same time.

Ahhh I just miss the feeling of listening to this song the first time. And the fact that IU and Yoongi are my dream collab even before, I really thought the universe heard my plea😭☺️

Anyway, sorry for oversharing. I just want to say that the song has a very special place in my heart. And finally, I get to include it in my story🧡

PS: The orange sun in the lyrics always reminded me of tangerines and I was so happy when I saw IU drew herself, Yoongi and the orange island🥰

PS: The orange sun in the lyrics always reminded me of tangerines and I was so happy when I saw IU drew herself, Yoongi and the orange island🥰

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