Chapter 4: Hot Spring Paradise

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Disclaimer!!! In this scene I will be taking inspiration from one of the many Hot Spring Episodes made by Kishimoto, I will try to bring a comedic vibe to it while still keeping it PG. WITH THAT SAID, Enjoy the chapter!

After fourteen hours of running and taking a few short breaks all the way from the Hidden Leaf Village, the members of team 7 have finally made it to the hot springs and checked-in.

Konohamaru sighs in relief as he threw himself on the bed. "I'm glad we can finally get some rest!" He stretched himself on the bed before getting back up. "I'm gonna go get ready for the hot spring, see you kids there." He said as he walked away from Kenzō and Itachi.

All three of the guys were able to stay in the same room while Hanae was placed in a separate room, which she was happy about.

Thirty minutes later, Kenzō and Itachi are making their way towards the hot spring with towels wrapped around their waist. They noticed that Konohamaru was nowhere to be seen.

Itachi's eyes open wide as he sees Kenzō butt naked as he dipped into the hot spring with a towel wrapped around his face.

Kenzō looks over towards Itachi who was still outside the hot spring. "Are you gonna get in or not?" He asked before noticing that Itachi's cheeks were turning red.

"I-..." Itachi tried to speak, but no word came out.

"Don't tell me this is your first time coming to a hot spring." Kenzō said. —There's no way this guy hasn't been at a hot spring before.— he thought to himself.

Itachi nods in response.

"Just relax Itachi, for now it's just the two of us until Konohamaru sensei arrives, I'm not gonna judge you if what you have is the size of an acorn..." before Kenzō could even finish what he was about to say Itachi throws the towel that was wrapped around his waist at full speed connecting with Kenzō's face.

"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK IT'S THE SIZE OF AN ACORN YOU IDIOT!" Itachi said as he quickly dipped into the hot spring, moving closer to Kenzō just to punch him right across the face.

"Now-now children we're here to relax, not to make a big deal out of some silly comment and possibly have us kicked out of the hot spring." Konohamaru said.

Both Kenzō and Itachi turn to look at Konohamaru and quickly went into a state of shock as they saw their sensei in full glory. Konohamaru was indirectly showing off his gorgeous physique, the smooth skin, and ripped body; all which he's worked hard to achieve during the peaceful times of the shinobi world.

—Okina Hebi— the two said before looking away from Konohamaru.

Konohamaru dips in and sighed in relief "Ahh...This is absolutely amazing!" He said as he walked closer to the wall before resting his bare back against it. "Just let the good waters of the hot spring relieve those tense muscles of ours."


Meanwhile on the girls side of the hot spring Hanae was enjoying having the hot spring by herself, or at least that's what she thought.

"Crying because I'm happy, crying because I'm sad,
That's right, living honestly like this, being myself.
The blue sky and sea, as if embracing everything.
Whispering into the wind, "You are fine just the way you are", you said."

She looked around as she heard a girl very quietly singing a song that Hanae had never heard before. Her eyes opened wide as she saw the girl bathing behind a rock. "That was beautiful!" Hanae said making the girl jump in reaction.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know there was anyone else here... I got carried away." She said to Hanae.

"I've never heard that song before, is it yours?" She asked.

The short haired blonde girl nodded and gave Hanae a smile. "I made this song while thinking of Lord Isshin."

Hanae tilts her head in confusion, "Lord Isshin?"

The girl nodded once again, "He's the one who's saved my life from being captured nine years ago by an evil man from The Village Hidden in the Rain."

—The Village Hidden in the Rain?— Hanae thought herself before it clicked. "So you know about The Village Hidden in the Rain!?" Hanae said as she got closer to her.

She shakes her head in response "I've never been to that village before, but Lord Isshin and I used travel around it to avoid getting in trouble." Her eyes quickly darkened as sad memories rushed into her mind "That was until two and a half years ago... Lord Isshin was killed by two Jonin from that village while trying to protect me... he promised me he was gonna be alright... but there he was... in between two blades smiling from the distance knowing that I was watching..." tears began to come down her cheek. "He left me..."

"I'm sorry for what's happened to you." Hanae said.

"It's alright, the people who own this welcomed me and gave me a place to live a low profile... even after knowing the risks of taking in someone like." She gave Hanae a fake smile. "Anyway, I should probably get going." She said as she started walking out of the hot spring before wrapping a towel around her body.

"I forgot to ask, what is your name?" Hanae asked.

The girl turns around to look at Hanae "my name is, Soyomi Kiyoke" she smiled once more before leaving.

Hanae smiled and thought it was about time for her to get out of the hot spring as well. She sighs as she wraps a towel around her body. "I wonder what are the boys up to." She said while making her way to the locker room.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter or at least had some fun while reading it, the next chapter will have action on it so make sure to stick around for that one and please don't forget to give this story a favorite and share it with your friends, I certainly would appreciate it!

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