Chapter 1: From Humble Beginnings...

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6:30 AM

In a moderate-quality apartment, located in Brooklyn, New York, a young man of about 17 was passed out in bed, his light brown hair all messy and disheveled. He'd already slept through his alarm two or three times, and was on the verge oversleeping through his time to get ready for the day.

"Jason...", a woman's voice called out from the other room, no response. "Jason, you need to get up for school, I'm not coming to get you up again...", again, nothing. His alarm went off again, and evidently the combo of that, with his mother's yelling, managed to wake Jason up. He sleepily looked around, before rubbing his eyes awake.

He immediately noticed something was off with one of his hands, immediately pulling back to see he had apparently forgotten to take his webshooter off of his left wrist last night, and to make matters worse, he could hear his mother just outside his door.

In a split-second action, he shoved his arm under his pillow, leaving him laying on his side in an awkward position, right as his bedroom door opened. She poked her head into the door, looking at him as he rubbed his eyes with his right hand again, acting as if he'd just woken up that second. "Yeah, Mom... I'm up...", he said groggily. "That's good to know, but if you don't hurry, you're gonna be late for school.", she replied sounding slightly concerned, yet stern.

Jason nodded, and faked a yawn. "Okay, mom. I'm going, I'll be out in a minute.", he replied, trying to get her to back out of the door again so he could move again. She did so, and he immediately sprang to his feet, waited a couple seconds, then shot a web to his bag and pulled it to himself, opened it and put the webshooter inside. He then got some clothes, a t-shirt, jeans, and the rest together, before shooting over to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

He was done in less than ten minutes, which he felt was record time for still washing up to an appropriate degree, and went out to the kitchen, grabbing a quick breakfast before running out the door. "Later mom. See you tonight!", he called over his shoulder, before heading down to lobby of the building. He didn't bother stopping at MJ's building, as she usually went earlier than he managed to, and also he was never sure what might happen on his way to school every morning.

That train of thought was proved accurate as he watched a stolen armored bank truck speed down the street, chased by multiple cop cars. Jason sighed, "Can't ever have a quiet walk... oh well, needed something to wake me up anyways...", he said quietly to himself, before running to the closest alley, and quickly changing into his spider-suit.

Minutes later, he was swinging after the high-speed chase, keeping above the action to try and minimize the collateral damage as much as possible, by yanking people out of the middle of the crosswalks, keeping traffic out of the way, at least for the most part. He wasn't perfect, after all...

Once he'd gotten people out of the way in the immediate vicinity for now, he jumped down onto the hood of the truck, looking at the two in the cab. "I don't think you guys have clearance to take this...", he shouted over the noise of the truck, trying to web the wheels up a bit, maybe slow them down. "And don't give me the 'they gave us a cashier's check' BS... I'm not falling for that a second time...", he added, before dropping down to the front grille of the truck, and shooting the webs out to either sides, making two wide-spreading tethers to slow the vehicle down even more.

After the first couple web-shots snapped, Jason decided to try something else, jumping off the front of the speeding truck, and swinging a couple blocks ahead to weave a quick web net, and jump out of the way as the truck hit it, slowing to a stop, and slightly bending the couple street lamps he'd attached the web to.

Jason was then perched on top of a nearby building, watching as the police that quickly surrounded stopped truck, took the two robbers, and cleaned up their mess. Once things looked under control, he swung away, back to get his bag and clothes.

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