Iolanthe Blossom

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Character Sheet for "Royal Thorns", by 

Full Name: Iolanthe Dalia Blossom

Nickname: The Western Rose, Little Flower, Io, Lana

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Face Claim: Arden Cho

Personality/Backstory: Iolanthe is the eldest daughter of the Blossom clan, famous for their beauty and charm, as well as the number of bastards in their family tree. From a young age, Iolanthe set out to make sure that she would not end up a woman under the thumb of her husband, or worse yet, an unwed mother bringing yet another secret into the family. She decided intelligence, culture, and the arts were just as important as politics, wealth, and beauty. While she devotes excessive amounts of time to making sure she is the best-dressed woman in the Western Court, vanity is just a small part of her personality. She also plays various instruments, sings, dances well, and spends a great deal of time on her painting lessons. Iolanthe is not overly studious, but she is well-read, learning about history and times gone by through all kinds of manuscripts. She is the type who always has the latest scandalous romance under her pillow.

Engaged to marry the Lord Of The Forest, Iolanthe's first husband was a soldier killed in the war. After a few years of mourning and solitude, she is anxious to marry again and live a secure and contented life. However, it bothers her more than a little that her fiance shares few of her interests and women seem to be drawn to him, despite her intelligence and beauty. She worries about his ability to remain faithful to her should they marry, and the rumours that surround him. Like Iolanthe, the Lord Of The Forest was married before, and seems to keep tight-lipped about many things. However, he's not the only one with secrets worth keeping.

Thoughts About The Marriage Of The Two Courts: Iolanthe has no desire to know about life in the Eastern Court. Here, she is a rare jewel. There, there are other women, younger women, who may be prettier, more educated, and more talented. She has no desire for her world to change, and while she reads about great adventures, she doesn't long for them for herself.

Quote: "You may be a princess or the richest woman in the world, but you cannot be more than a lady." --- Jennie Jerome Churchill

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