Alina Vasiliev

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American Horror Story: The Island, hosted by _Annabel-Lee_


The Extroverted Hooker


"Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot."---Truman Capote, "Breakfast At Tiffany's"

Full Name:

Alina Katerine Vasiliev








Whatever opportunity brings...


Helena Mattsson


"Lola Montez", by Volbeat


Alina is a vivacious spirit, the life of every party who believes that life is a celebration that will go on forever. In public, she is charming, seductive, and refuses to take no for an answer. In private, she is a more introspective and insecure woman, one who worries about the future. She knows her lifestyle can't continue forever, and she will eventually need to seek a wealthy husband before her looks begin to fade. Behind the free-spirited wild creature she's cultivated is a pragmatic woman, one who knows there's a price for everything and everything has its price. Those who get to know her are shocked to find she's more intelligent than her persona, and far more worldly. However, playing the seductive ingenue has gotten her ahead thus far in life, and no one pays to hear her thoughts, her feelings, or her life story. Unfailingly confident and unflappable, she has a sharp tongue and a witty retort for those who put her down or think she's somehow inferior for her profession.


Originally from New York City, Alina is a first-generation American born to Russian parents. Life in the United States proved to be far from the dream her parents spoke of. Alina and her three siblings lived crowded in a small apartment, in a world where a young woman going out alone at night was dangerous, or at least an invitation to something dark and forbidden.

Intelligent but never attentive enough for school, Alina grew into a beauty that turned heads even before puberty. As she grew, she realised the power her youthful and natural (but not really) looks had on others, especially men. Understanding that to get ahead in the world, one has to trade on any asset, she entered the world of modeling. Too short for the runway and too curvy to fit into a size two, she nevertheless found her innocent brand of sex appeal was marketable to men and women alike.

After dabbling in both the legitimate and dark side of the modeling world,  Alina graduated high school and moved out on her own. She quickly realised the idea of a "sugar daddy" who'd pay her bills and replenish her wardrobe left her with free time to enjoy herself without having to worry about paying the bills. By 21, Alina was a high-priced escort to powerful men and lonely bachelors with a kinky side. She moved in with a wealthy married couple who treated her as both a lover and a daughter, but ultimately, Alina couldn't forget the arrangement was a job like any other, not a relationship.

She doesn't believe in love, or even particularly enjoy sex. Alina is a good actress who is able to become whatever others want her to be, but there's something cold and even vicious that resides in her heart. The better others treat her, the more resentful she becomes. Alina is a viper that destroys anything that dares to come too close, and even though she has the face of an innocent young woman, she plays the game as shrewdly as anyone.

Things are rarely what they appear.

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