Orliane Mormont

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"A Game Of Power" (a GoT-inspired RP), by Queen_Vixen_)


The Bear Of The North



Full Name:

Orliane Isobel Mormont




Lady Mormont. Her Ladyship (formal address)
The Bear Of The North
Mama Bear






Rachel Weisz


Orliane is a typical Northern woman, physically and mentally strong and not in need of a man to take care of things for her or her child. Whether it's hunting dinner or cooking it in a delicious stew, she knows how to make the most of a little, and to be thankful for any blessing that comes her way. At 37 years old, she looks perhaps five years older, her face beginning to show lines and her dark brown hair having the occasional strand of grey. She stands 5'8", athletic build, and has dark brown hair and caramel-coloured eyes. Her skin is a pretty porcelain colour, but marred with scars, spots, and callouses. There's nothing delicate or prim about Orliane, and she can't stand girls who play weak to attract attention.


Like most in the North, Orliane has known hardship and poverty. At the age of 37, Lady Mormont is a widow with no children of her own. Married at 17, she waited year after year for children that never arrived. It planted a deep sense of grief in her heart that never quite faded, especially when rumours of her husband siring bastards started flying. Realising she was likely barren, she threw herself into hard work. She took a keen interest in politics and improving her mind, in order to read and write as well as she could chop wood for the fire.

At the age of 30, she adopted a child of ten, too young to fend alone in the world. It gave her a sense of purpose, though after the death of her husband, she's had to work her fingers to the bone to provide for her family and make it through harsh winters. The Mormont clan has always been one of fighters who never give up, and Orliane exemplifies those values.

She is honest, hard-working, sometimes brutally straightforward, and doesn't have time for liars, double-talk, or playing games. She doesn't believe in saying things to be polite; instead, she calls it like she sees it when it comes to pretty much everything. Her sense of morality and reputation as a wonderful example of a Northern wife and mother have earned her a great deal of respect. However, she holds no official political sway. She leaves that to her younger sibling, who serves as Master of Laws.

If the Mormonts are ever going to be lifted out of poverty and elevated to a thriving house in more than respect in the eyes of others, it needs to be with the help of the South. Orliane knows this, and yet she resents her sibling for spending time with Southerners and their fancy clothes and sketchy moral compasses.

Orliane is an intelligent, pragmatic, and hard-working woman who hasn't had an easy life. Then again, who in the North does? Her opinion is that if you love your family and spend your time doing what's got to be done, you're fulfilling life's purpose. She is slightly gruff but maternal, unable to walk away from a child or an animal that's been hurt. A natural caretaker, she's the one people come to when they have problems they need to fix or a gown that needs mending

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