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chapter five

       THE LIGHT RUMBLING OF the Millennium Falcon was the only source of sound within the silent main hold

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THE LIGHT RUMBLING OF the Millennium Falcon was the only source of sound within the silent main hold. The floorboards trembled slightly from the impact of light speed, yet it was oddly comforting.

It wasn't often that Amora got the opportunity to lounge around with nothing to do. She was a rebel commander. Lives depended on her every day. Even now, as she travelled to Alderaan, lives depended on her. Sitting around doing nothing just felt unsettling.

That's why she found herself busy making repairs on Artoo. The droid had powered off about ten minutes ago in order to be worked on, all while Threepio chattered away. And after about nine minutes of his storytelling and Amora's insistence that she didn't need to hear, he finally powered off as well. Amora sighed in relief after he did so.

That left her and Luke, who she could very obviously feel staring at her. It was funny, really. She could practically feel his excitement and wonder struggling to stay contained.

Amora bit her tongue as she began to fasten a particularly loose bolt. "Y'know I can feel you staring, farm boy?"

A beat of silence caused her to smile softly, turning around to face the flushed boy.

"Well, I mean, I didn't-" he stuttered out.

She laughed softly while walking over to join his side. "No, no, it's fine. But I know you wanna say something, so just say it."

He stared at her for a moment before responding. "It's just... you're a rebel commander! What's it like? What were you doing in a place like Tatooine?!"

His eyes twinkled with wonder and amazement as he spoke, clearly new to the world of the rebellion. He didn't know anything about it. He was just excited.

Amora couldn't help but be slightly jealous of the boy. He lived his whole life in solitude from the war, and even as he's thrust into it now, he just has so much hope. He finds the excitement in the mundane. It's like he doesn't understand the true sacrifices of war.

Yet despite his ignorance, there was something so entrancing about his optimism. He practically glowed with elation. He made Amora happier just by standing near him, even if she didn't know him. And because of that, she didn't want to rain on his parade.

"Well, we travel to many different planets," she started cautiously, as if speaking to a child. "And we fight in battle a lot."

She paused, not wanting to mention the horrors of war. He didn't need to hear that. But at the same time, he did need to. She had to let him know what he was stepping into. He stared at her in wonder. She gulped.

"But there's also a lot of death," she explained, looking down while choosing her words carefully. "Way too much. I've seen more losses than I can count. It's... a very hard life."

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