Chapter 25: The Haunting

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        It was the afternoon during lunch break before the full moon that James insisted they venture back into the Forbidden Forest. Before the other Marauders came into the picture, it was always you and Remus hiding out in the Shrieking Shack until the moon had passed. And it was after four years that James decided they'd explore outside the safety of the shack.

        "James, I told you we're not going back in the forest! This is not some light-hearted adventure, I could lose control!" Remus raises his voice, exasperatedly slamming down his textbook on the bed of grass as he stands up, "I have shackles for a reason. We're going to the Shrieking Shack and that's final."

        The five of you were outside, under a towering beech tree on the edge of the Black Lake. Just like how you spent the full moons with Remus, your quiet spot under the tree, the time you usually spent reading together, was now shared with the other Marauders. Almost as if they were slowly stepping in, crossing the threshold into your world.

        "Come on, Moony. It was fun the last time." James persists, he was used to Remus' quick outbursts when it came to pushing him out of his usual comfort zone, pushing him out of a usual routine. James sighs, glancing at Sirius and Peter then again at Remus, "We shouldn't be all cramped up in some old abandoned house that could collapse above us at any second."

        "Think of this as a learning process for us. We are just getting the hang of things." Sirius adds, taking James' side.

        Sirius had a point. They did only have one night to explore as Animagus, and as you remembered Padfoot running through the forest then hitting hard on a tree trunk he hadn't seen, sending Wormtail flying into a pool of mud, you knew they had a little ways to go before they mastered their animal forms. And if they were all to cram inside the shack, you could already envision the chaos of the inexperienced Animagi within the rickety walls.

        It was quiet for a moment as everyone stared at Remus who was beginning to falter, they hoped he'd give in to James' risky request. Instead, Remus turns to look at you for an answer, silently waiting to weigh in on your opinion on the situation, a cry for help to knock some sense into his stubborn friends.

        As the others followed suit, your eyes scan to see defeat had already settled on their faces, knowing you'd be at Remus' side to take the utmost precaution when it came to his transformations. James groans, sulking back onto the thick trunk, already annoyed at the expected refusal of his idea like a child.

        But then to their surprise, you say the exact opposite, "It may not be too bad, Remus."

        Remus blinks, "But Dumbledore—"

        "Just this one time will be fine. We only use the shackles so you wouldn't wander out of the Shrieking Shack."

        "And so I can't hurt anyone—you guys."

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