Chapter 38: Latibule

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        It was late and you couldn't sleep, tossing and turning in your bed until the sheets crumpled, Marlene and Lily's soft snores amplified in the dark's deafening silence. Since you and Remus received news from Lyall, he had not responded to any of your follow-up letters no matter how many times you owled him. The school's owl would only return with your letter still in hand. You figured he'd gone deep into hiding in the hopes that the Death Eaters wouldn't discover his whereabouts.

        In his last letter, he stated that Tibly was unharmed and traveling with him, and that returning to the cottage was no longer safe. It had burned down to the ground, turned to ashes and had no time to restore it. It made your chest ache imagining Lyall watching it burn, leaving the home he and his wife built, moving from place to place together. Now, it was just him.

        You were beginning to worry because it had been over two months since you'd last heard from him, and you couldn't sleep at night wondering if he was still alive.

        "Can't sleep either?" Sirius asks in a low voice as you both step out of your respective dorm rooms at the same time.

        "We really gotta get out of this slump," You sigh, throwing your arms around you to warm yourself from the cool night air.

        Sirius raises an eyebrow, giving you an incredulous look. "You call dealing with my Death Eater brother and you, with your late foster mother, a slump?"

        You shrug. "I wouldn't call it that, but it doesn't do us any good to sulk around about it either."

        And it was true. Between Death Eaters wreaking havoc, and you, Sirius, and Remus' family issues, the liveliness that had always been there in your friend group had steadily dwindled. Despite Peter and James' best efforts, the heavy mood that had clearly taken a toll on everyone's spirits couldn't be easily lifted with a couple of practical jokes and unexpected puns.

        You give Sirius a small smile, an idea popping in your head. You take hold of his hand. "Come on, let's go to the kitchens."

        "And steal some snacks? I'm definitely rubbing off on you, aren't I?" Sirius smirks, letting you drag him out of the Gryffindor common room.

        "In more ways than one," You tease, giving him a playful wink.

        "Where's Remus? Isn't he supposed to be patrolling tonight?" You whisper, glancing over your shoulder to scan the empty Hufflepuff basement as Sirius tickled the pear in the painting that led to the kitchens.

        "Found him," Sirius answers as you hear the creak of a door opening.

        "Remus?" You blink in surprise.

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