Chapter 19: Aderyn's Letter

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— 𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟓

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— 𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟓

        It was just in time before Summer when Sirius finally finished his hold on the Mandrake leaf. With the last ingredient in place, the potions were ready to drink until the next lightning storm. Leaving the vials hidden in a dark, undisturbed broom closet all Summer while waiting for nature to take its course, you relentlessly reminded the three boys the crucial part of the whole process and explained the need to recite the incantation every sunrise and sundown.

        While you tried to defuse James and Peter's whining, you noticed Sirius who uncharacteristically did not comment and simply nodded his head in acknowledgement which you were grateful for.

        For the rest of the remaining days at Hogwarts, Sirius paid less attention to his adoring, giggling fans than usual. But more than that, he wasn't his snarky, chipper self as James noticed when he proposed a brilliant idea to use Dungbombs on their archenemy next term. His excitement quickly diminished when Sirius only gave him an unenthusiastic nod in his direction.

        Sirius seemed constantly deep in thought about something that bothered him. At first, you wondered if it was because his parents had refused to let him stay over at James' this Summer. That is, until he received a letter from his mother and didn't bother putting up a fuss when he relayed the news to James.

        You and the rest of the Marauders noticed how Sirius was strangely quiet all throughout the train ride back to King's Cross. His eyes pulled all his focus and attention to the passing scenery he'd already seen plenty of times. And once you reached the platform to say goodbye to your friends, Sirius casually bid farewell to the rest of you before meeting up with his younger brother when you rushed to give him a hug.

        Sirius, who was taken aback by your sudden arms around him, stood stunned for a while before his expression softened, the corner of his lip tugging into a tender but weak smile. 

        "Owl us, alright?" You nudge him.

        Sirius' face darkens and he cautiously looks over his shoulder to see his blood family closely eyeing him. With a knowing sigh, he drops his head low, managing another tight-lipped smile, "I can't make any promises."

        Whether it meant anything or not, it didn't quite reach his captivating grey eyes that scanned your curious face. Letting the fleeting moment pass, Sirius lingered almost a fraction of a second too long before regretfully pulling away from your grasp.


        "I'll see you guys." Sirius softly says, already missing your touch he hadn't felt in what seemed to him a very long time.

        With a final nod, he affectionately messed your hair before finally meeting up with Regulus, who stood impatiently waiting with the rest of his parents.

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