Chapter 35 - 1+1+1 is 3

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Not edited, go easy on me. 🙂

"Seven hours and 59 minutes Noelle. Seven hours and 59 miserable minutes in the air but spiraling down and stopping on every level of hell. Screw it I'm adding the minute, it was eight hours of a child treating the back of my plane seat like a Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot."

Swiftly he walked, a sort of confident, macho-man stroll. The way you walk when you think you’re bad and you gotta be important. Many would have perceived Prince rude for walking ahead of Noelle, and maybe it was, but watching him was so entertaining for her.

Laughter consumed her as she tried to keep up balancing her purse, coat and new weight from the pregnancy. 

Eventually he stopped leaving them nose to nose, his eyebrow arched and she let him know.

"You're divine mad, got it. You do realize we're having a child right?" Her smile still expressed her amusement.

Immediately, he snatched her coat and carried it for her. His arm wrapped around her shoulder as they continued to walk, stealing kisses on their way down the escalator to the baggage carousel.

"No more flying coach ya hear? I understand these were last minute tickets but I first class it or charter a plane. You get me?"

"This was too real for you." Noelle giggled at the fact Prince wasn't accustomed to common life.

"And another thing, I won't have our son or daughter behave that way either. Rules and boundaries are good for a child." Head snapping in a quick nod almost in reassurance to himself that he could handle every situation that presented itself. 

"So many rules. You'll have to write all these down because you've said so many." Her quip made him think she thought he was too rigid in his thinking.

Pulling her close, she felt so fortunate and told him so.

"We're so lucky love." Whispering those tender words on his stubble made him smile widely like a shy little boy.

"You are so right." Prince cooed in her ear awakening goosebumps and a shiver.

Snatching their two small bags hand-in-hand the couple made their way to  the rental car.


"What part of Toronto do your parents live?" Vanity mirror popped, Prince primped his hair.


"Tally-ho old chap, sounds ritzy. Amirite?" Watching Noelle weave traffic like the resident she was growing up.

"Well you know my Dad did alright in finance."

"Pa-rentals belong to a club?" Hoity-toity high pitched voice Prince teased.

"What's your father like? I'm picturing a beancounter, subdued...but protective I'm sure?"

The curve of a person's smile can tell many stories and Noelle's bend made Prince's heart sink just a titch.

"Aah...I see." Shaking his finger at her. "You're testing me. I'll do ok with him I'm sure."

Drawing in a deep breath Noelle flashed a telling smile, briefly taking her eyes off the road from driving. No matter what, Toronto was a long way from Paris.


Observant of Noelle as the car pulled into the horseshoe, cobblestone driveway her face was soft, so vulnerable seeing her mother. And upon a closer look of mama Juliette, who was speaking to one of her help, Prince couldn't help but notice the identical smile that sealed the deal of their fate. Noelle was the spitting image of her mother.

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