Chapter 16 - Publisher Knows

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As soon as Noelle had the door open a crack, Bradley barged in pissed as hell. The door slammed so hard up against the wall that the handle penetrated the drywall making a hole.

"Are you trying to fuck up this book tour Noelle?" He hollered while shaking a folded newspaper and waving his cell phone at her.

"No! Why would you say that?!" She was so alarmed since Bradley is typically kind and quiet natured. She's never seen him like this.

"First of all...I know he's been here. Those sheets have torrid affair written all over it."

"Torrid affair? Last time I checked, I'm not married and neither is he so don't make this sound like lipstick on collars, heavy perfume and us hiding out in a seedy hotel. Bradley this is none of your business."

Noelle went to the adjoining room door after Marissa gently rapped.

"Christ Noelle he's staying in the adjoining room?!" Bradley blurted.

A very concerned Marissa entered, "What is going on? I can hear you clear above Matt Lauer for god's sake. By the way, do either of you get a pervert vibe off of Lauer? Cuz hand to god I swear I just heard him tell Katie to bend over more."

Bradley shook his head at Marissa, barely acknowledging her, and put the focus back on Noelle.

"You two should not be hanging out. What are you doing? Are you friends with benefits? Just a fuck? Dating? Are you in a relationship with Prince? I can't even remember, is that who was hovering around us while we were in London? To be honest I wasn't paying much attention."

"Bradley why does this matter to you?"

"Why does this matter to me? Im your agent...on a book tour about you finding your 4EVER. Ugghhh I should have been paying closer attention. I swear my clients make me their fucking babysitter rather than their agent."

"An agent that can easily be fired, and don't you forget it. I pay you quite well." She said with squinted eyes at his insult and calmly but clearly matching his fire but a bit more coolly.

Noelle thought Bradley's head was going to blow up when there was a knock at the door.

"Bradley you better calm down because you look like you're about to have a heart attack, stroke and maybe a good case of the runs." Marissa joked.

"The runs? Really?" Noelle said half heartedly.

"I'm a mother Noelle poop and vomit are always funny." Marissa snapped back.

Peering through the peep hole Bradley saw the room service cart. He opened it allowing entrance, but Bradley didn't notice it was actually Prince rolling in the cart. He had met the room service attendant in the hall and wanted to surprise Noelle.

Prince mouthed to Marissa, 'What's wrong?'

After Prince entered, Bradley continued on his rant explaining the reason for all of his angst.

"The publisher is piiiisssed. You're all over the news this morning from your dinner last night with your pal Marissa here and Prince who, and I quote,

'...looked completely smitten with bestselling author of 4EVER, Noelle Dubois who undoubtedly is searching for her 4EVER. Perhaps she's found her Prince charming, or with the way Prince goes through women, at least she can be his 4RIGHTNOW.'

Prince winced at the comment about how he goes through women and sincerely hoped that wasn't something Noelle was gonna latch onto.

Tossing the paper onto the table, Bradley showed her the picture of Prince and Noelle looking at one another.

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