Arthur Fleck aka Joker

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"We're all clowns"

                                     - Joker

                                     - Joker

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Before we start our journey, I would like to declare some words in terms of Arthur Fleck aka Joker.

I've seen this movie 3 times, and every time I saw it, one and only thought hit my mind. And that thought was, why are we humans so cruel?

Apart from Arthur having a psychosis disorder, and in order to maintain himself is to take his medications, he gradually became worse by the cruelty of people's actions, implying bully, insult, and judges. 

Arthur is a sensitive person, if you're a sensitive person and also having an underlying mental disorder, you absorb hurtful words more easily and that could affect your mentality badly than those who don't give a simple f**k.

The content of the movie is to show the reality in the society that we humans tend to dismiss. We always pretend that everything is fine and that this world we're living in is a "paradise" without any concern or devilish actions. Unfortunately, this isn't always correct. The truth is a hard pill to swallow, and not many of us can swallow it, or in fact won't be doing it cuz pretending is a "safe" zone to be at.

When I watched this movie, I could feel the despair. How can humankind sabotage one another so badly that they can turn the world against them? They could become pessimistic, or grow trust issues within themselves not trusting or relying on others. People's intentions have an impact on us, unconsciously it has because they are among us, we're in a society, one community. Whatever you do, how far you try to escape, there's always those who bully, criticize, or judges you.

When I was a kid, I hated Joker in the batman movies/series. I truly hated him for who he was, little did I know why he became as he represents today. Now that I'm aware, I've become more understanding and I don't blame him anymore but the society.

"Joker is not the clown, he's just a reflection of the real clowns, which is us"

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