Bedtime with You 🛏

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As Arthur Fleck 🧍‍♂️

Right before bedtime, Arthur could eventually have his last smoke before going into bed. At times, he would take a long shower too if he preferred depending on his mood really. Especially when there's a lot going on in his mind and he needed a quiet place to wash all his thoughts away. There isn't any exact time when he goes to bed, as for you, it was hard to read his behavior. Some days, he could be happy or casual, other days doleful and miserable, unbearable to control his emotions. If he had taken his medication, he would feel at ease, slightly calmer as if the chemical substances controlled the otherwise bipolar state, which also made him briefly relaxed and at peace.

When he becomes calm, it's easier to connect with him, both physically and mentally. He could reply to your questions, capable to have an ongoing conversation and become affectionate even. Although, he's shy, worrying if he would say something, or act in a way that would make you draw back and away from him as he can't stand any more ignorance and neglect from people and the environment. This man had a lot going on in his head, so it's important to be at all ears, understanding, and try to be supportive.

There are nights when he becomes anxious, insecure, and vulnerable. It will eventually worsen when he skips his medicines and starts to curl up, laugh hysterically and uncontrolled. It is hard for you to deal with this powerful emotion that is overtaking his entire soul. Sometimes, your comfort will calm him down if he approved your reassurance, other times, he disapproves and pushes you away, wanting to overcome this phase on his own. If you're understanding enough, you know he doesn't mean bad but rather wishes you to not witnessing his current behavior since he's afraid of losing you for his maniacal attitude.

(Here's how a conversation could have looked like between you two)

"Arthur, dear. What's going on in your mind?"

(He stares emptily at the ceiling as he puts his half-consumed cigarette between his parted lips)

"Nothing really"

(You look at him, trying to make him concentrate on you and your dialogue)

"Have you taken your medication?"

(He inhales another smoke, deeply this time while closing his eyes. You let your eyes wander across his face, really trying to connect with him. He puffs the smoke)

"Arthur, look at me, please"

(He opens his eyes again, his orbs moving around then to your direction. You look deeply into those melancholy yet beautiful round globes)

"You haven't"

(You say disappointed while looking down. He sighs)

"It's just... I'm tired of them... I'm tired of my life, my medicines..."

"Hey, it's ok"

"I'm tired of my fucking self! And for who I am!"

(You try to calm him down and he begins to laugh. It becomes louder and hysterical)

"Arthur, pls..."

(His laugh is now unbearable. He tries to control it but it's useless. Now he starts crying, then laughs again as he huddles. You extend your arms around him trying to hush him)

"It's alright. It will soon pass, trust me"

(You kiss him on the head, holding him tightly. You remained like this until he found his composure again)

As Joker 🤡

He is more confident and self-assured, meaning, he shows confidence in what he says and does. Nothing can stop him from what he's doing and thinking. Before bedtime, he could dye his hair in the color green and jam to the music that is playing whether it's on the stereo or in his head while doing so, puff out some smoke while minding his own business. He's so enamored in his delusions that he isn't aware of what he's currently doing in the real world. You will see green splashes in the sink, on the bathroom mirror, and all over the tiles, there are also trails of used color palettes and a pencil next to it, assuming that Arthur now has turned into Joker. As you clean up the mess he's caused with, you encounter him sway dance towards you in the quite dark living room that was slightly lightened with candles, pulling you to his chest, smiling from ear to ear in his damp, newly dyed combed back hair and his clownish makeup, looking neat and dapper by wearing his formal suit. You say nothing but follow his moves, lay your head on his chest, feeling the sweet and subtle cologne passing through your nostrils.

Joker is more sensual and passionate because his insecurity will decrease while his confidence will rise. When he's self-assured, he knows exactly what he wants and knows how to gain it too. You notice the differences, although, you knew this man suffered from a severe illness that could harm anybody but not you because you were kind to him. He could rely on you.

He would lead you to the bedroom, and he would sensually plant some kisses on your forehead and hand, eventually exchange some sweet words before going into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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