4.5: it wasn't bad for you either.. right

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if I keep analyzing this chp. this book will never move on. so lol here it is.


"It... um it wasn't bad for you either.. right?" I mumble and turning my head completely away from him.


"L-Last night.."

"Well.." he replies with a shrug, "it was alright."

My heart drops in embarrassment and I immediately regret even opening my mouth. I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. Michael snorts before doubling over in laughter. Bastard.

"Stop laughing," I say rolling my eyes and smacking his chest with the back of my hand.

"I'm just teasing," he grins as he pushes a thumb into one of the dimples on my lower back. I gulp the saliva pooling in my mouth when he softly pecks my arm a few times. Jeez, why is he so touchy, "I had a lovely time."

Michael sits up and his hand sneaks down to my waist, just tracing around my hip bone. I swear I could melt right now. God, what is he doing to me? I ignore the way my stomach flips when he leans in closer and his nose grazes over my shoulder. My heart beats loud in my ear and it feels like suddenly there's less oxygen in the room.

So, I block his lips with my hand.

"No kissing."

"Why not?" His whines muffled by my palm. I can feel him pout against my hand.

"Cause I said so."

There was no better answer than that. This is Michael. The same Michael that I called my little brother and best friend. I shouldn't be feeling well anything towards him. Jeez, am I really that lonely?

"You're no fun," he mumbles childishly and proceeds to lick the palm of my hand.

"Oh, real mature," I say unimpressed as he giggles. I let out an annoyed sigh as I wiped my wet palm on the sheets. That's when Michael playfully leans in again with exaggeratedly puckered lips, and I try to squirm away from his grasp.

"Michael, oh my god."

I forgot how touchy Mike was. Leaning back a little too far this time, we both toppled over. Michael loses it. The shrill of his laughter could probably be heard down the block.

"I'm sorry... it's just the look on your face," he says between fits of giggles.

I can barely feel my arm with his entire body weight on me. "Ugh move, Michael. You're heavy."

"Are you calling me fat?" he asked and I just know he's pouting behind me.

"You haven't changed one bit," I mutter shaking my head.

"And you weren't scared of my kisses yesterday. In fact, I remember you being quite bold--"

"Shut up, Jackson," I cut him off and attempt to shrug off his arms that somehow ended up encircling my waist.

"Ack.. get the hell off me, you bastard," I complain and Michael sits us up but locks his arms around me preventing me from getting up. My initial irritation morphs to confusion as he suddenly tucks his face into the crook of my neck. "Michael..?"

"I really needed that, more than I realized," Michael speaks lowly. My body stiffens.


"Mhm.. things have been hectic," he sighs. I bet they have been. Based on what I've seen in the news and my occasional talks with Aunt Kathy, Michael has had a crazy year. "I'm not sure if you can say the same, but it was really was nice seeing you again, Bey."

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