4: it wasn't that bad... was it?

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What's good everyone! Hope everyone is well. I know it's been a minute. This chapter's a bit different for me ngl, cuz it's basically well... smut. I tried to make it as non cringe-worthy as possible.

Enjoy this long ass update.

PS. Leave some comments, I wanna know your thoughts on these edited chapters. Don't be shy girl, we family.



"Bey, w-what are you doing ah—"

I was already dropping to my knees and touching things I shouldn't have been touching before I could stop myself.

I was at the edge of undiscovered waters with a clouded mind and heavy heart. It was dangerous and crazy but in that moment I didn't care. I wanted him. My eyes flickered up to his dark eyes and the warmth takes over my whole body.

"I don't want to sleep."

"Jesus christ, Bey," he whispered with knotted eyebrows. I could see the internal moral struggle in his eyes. I knew he wanted to give in, "Why are you doing this to me?"

A pleased smirk appears on my mouth as Michael's jaw clenches as I left wet kisses through his black boxer briefs. It's not like I've particularly enjoyed giving head in the past but right then I wanted nothing more but to swallow him whole. Not sure I would be physically able to though, I don't think my skills were advanced enough for guys like him.

Michael was well... blessed.

"Holy shit," he groaned, running his hands through my hair. As my fingers were just about peel back the elastic band, he jerked me up against his chest.

"God, you're making this so hard for me," Michael breathed out.

"Well yeah," I responded looking down at the firm print between us, "that's definitely the point."

"You are so bad," he chuckled and shook his head. He softly cupped my cheeks, "Yoncé baby, if you keep doing all that—"

My wandering hands explored over the thin black fabric as Michael rests his forehead against mine. His eyebrows scrunched together as he pulled his bottom lip into a hard bite. His breathing hitched before he grabbed my wrist tightly. I usually hate pet names but it only turned me on coming from Michael.

"We really shouldn't.." he whispered but does nothing to pull away or resist. When his thumb stroked over my bottom lip, I couldn't help but take it into my mouth. Michael's jaw dropped open as I sucked probably enjoying it more than I should've.

"Beyoncé," he grunts, "you are just—"

I damn near tackled him on to the bed. I couldn't take it anymore. Our jeans were flung across the room before I straddle his hips. I basically ripped his shirt open. The feel of taut muscle under my fingers and the way his cheeks flushed only urged me to continue.

"You're so sexy," he moaned, head dropping back into the pillows as finally our unclothed cores grind together. A soft groan fell from my lips when he gripped my thighs while the friction between us increased. Shivers ran down my spine as his hands explore my body and hot kisses cover every inch of my neck.

When did my bra come undone?

I gasped a little too loudly when he paid special attention to my chest. My head dropped back as his tongue flicked over the hard buds and made sure to cup the other. I didn't even know that could feel so good. He definitely knows what he's doing.

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