Chapter 1

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Years later...
The cool wind is stabbing my face and blowing my hair about wildly, messing it all up. My maid, Grace is struggling to keep up with me and that's impressive considering she's an extremely good rider. I can hear her calling after me but I don't listen because I'm just having to much fun. I love times like this when I can just... escape. I guess that's why I've always loved riding so much, that and I'm good at it.

"Princess please, we've gone too far, Princess!" Grace yells over the howling wind. I can barely hear her so I use that as an excuse to carry on and even go faster if that's possible. "PRINCESS!" She actually shouts this time. "We need to head home, we will pass the border soon if we carry on and you know what king George is like," we have been riding almost all day so it's not surprising we've gone so far. King George hates my family, my parents took over his kingdom so he's angry and wants revenge. He lives in the castle where my mom grew up which he took over once the evil queen was defeated. He now rules over a small kingdom- ha! Our kingdom is huge since mother and father took over most over her land once she was banished. They say she'll never return but she has powerful magic, I believe she'll find a way to return, one day.

"Oh come on! Can't we go a little bit further?" I ask, stopping my horse to allow Grace to catch up and me to catch my breath. We'll end up going back home either way and I know that, but it's worth a try.

"No my lady, it's time to go home. If we go home now you might just make it to dinner," she says sternly. She's been my maid for as long as I can remember and despite that, she is still quite young. I suppose she was young when she started. I mean I'm not that old, I'm nineteen so that must mean she's at least forty years old.

"Fine," I sigh knowing she's not going to give up on this. "But I'll race you, last one there is a rotten egg!"

"But Princess we-" she begins But I don't give her time to finish instead I use the reigns on the saddle to make my horse run off at full speed.

I hurry into the dining hall where my parents and two brothers are eating. My youngest brother is called William and my other brother is called Neal. Neal is sixteen and William is thirteen. I'm next in line to the throne because my parents don't believe in the whole woman aren't as good as boys thing. They believe we are all equal no matter what gender and status. I believe that too and so does the rest of my family which always surprises neighbouring kingdoms when they come. I do wish they believed in marriage for love though. They married for love and yet they want me to marry for the good of the kingdom. I do care about the kingdom but I don't want to be stuck somewhere where I'm not happy. I want to find true love, someone with a sense of adventure, someone romantic. I don't care what status they are. I've met tones of princes' and some are nice but some are a royal pain in the bum.

"Emma!" My mom says getting out of her seat and embracing me in a hug. "Where have you been? You've been gone all day! You said you'd be back hours ago!" She says the last bit somewhat angrily but I decide to brush it off.

"Sorry," I sigh, "I got a bit distracted, what's for dinner? I'm starved!" My mother frowns at this and takes hold of my hands.

"You didn't go to George's kingdom did you?" She asks, her features taking a sudden concerned and worried look.

"No mother," I assure her. I'm not allowed to go to his kingdom because King George and my parents are enemies. If this is true I have no idea why he hasn't attacked the kingdom yet. My parents are hiding something from me and I don't know what, but I will find out. Although that isn't the only thing their hiding. I'm not sure what or why but I know something happened between them and the pirates. I know this because I'm band from seeing pirates or going near them. After all, they're dangerous. I can handle danger, I have magic! They are hiding something from me and I know this because of my superpower. You see, I've always had this superpower, I know when people are lying and my parents are. They know about my superpower and they know it's not a lie because whenever I've pointed out someone is lying ten times out of ten, I've been right.

Forbidden Love (Dare to love #1) (OUAT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now