Chapter 20

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I've published this- my favourite chapter- today even though I've already updated today to honour Captain Swan on their anniversary.
I'm running as fast as I can towards my future.

Towards Killian.

I'm nearly at our place, for the second time today but I don't care. I don't mind riding all the way out here nearly everyday now because with Killian I'm happy.

He is my future.

As I arrive I get down from the horse and tie it up to the tree, before turning around to see Killian standing there in front of me.

My future standing there infront of me.

"Swan!" He smiles ear to ear, walking towards me. I practically jump on him, pulling him towards me and kissing me hard, passionately.

He is my future and I'm not letting him go. I am not letting my future go.

"Hey, Swan, what is it?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Is everything alright you seem... different," his head tilts slights and his eyes scan me, trying to work out what's changed.

"Sit down," I smile, leaving his arms just for a second to perch on the log. "Trust me it's worth it,"

This is my future, he is my future and I'm not letting it go. I am clinging onto it, as hard as I can. I am not letting it go, I shall not give into fear, into darkness. I shall give into happiness, into hope, into light.

"Aye?" He asks, still clearly confused but smart enough to know something -something big- is going on.

"I need to tell you something," I begin, holding his hook and hand in mine. "Something important that a dear old friend helped me see today," the smile on my face is growing minute by minute, I am not afraid because I have hope. Something I haven't had a lot of before this man.

"What?" He asks, eyeing me carefully and wearing a small frown on his face.

"I don't have to marry Edward!" I say happily, making his frown turn into a smile, the biggest smile.

"What? How? When? Why?" He stutters, not knowing quite how to reply.

"This evening, it turns out he had a love of his own so we decided, or rather he helped me see, that we couldn't marry," I explain, looking into those dazzling blue eyes. "Anyway, he made me see I have to stop being afraid, I can't let my fear control my life," a look of Hope floats over his eyes as if he knows exactly what I'm about to say next.

"What are you trying to say Swan?" He asks anyway. I take a deep breath and look it his eyes. There is love their, and only for me. He loves me and I love him.

"I- I want a future with you," I say, "I want to be with you without having to hide it," He looks really happy for a few seconds, and he leans into kiss me but doesn't. He pulls away.

"But Swan, we both know you're parents will never except me," he says sounding ashamed, guilty and sad all at the same time.

"I know," I reply, placing my hands over his. "Which is why we have to sail away together and never look back," his eye-line meets mine again and confusion floods his features.

"Emma, love, you do realise that you won't be a princess anymore and that they will never stop looking for you. You will have to leave your family, that isn't fair on you," he says, sounding deeply worried. "It won't be the life you think it will," I sigh and use my hand to cup his face gently.

"I don't care about any of that anymore, which is why we have to leave now, start a new life, sail the realms exploring new things together," I smile, caressing his cheek slightly. When he says nothing I continue. "I love you Killian Jones and I always will. I don't want to be without you anymore," I think my words are going to spark something in him but he stays still. Fear and disappointment floods me, but then Killian moves.

"Well, if we're going to do this, we have to do it the right way," he says softly, pulling something from his neck. I look at him curiously, wondering what he's doing. Suddenly he pulls out a beautiful ring attached to a necklace. He holds it with his hook infront of me, his other hand holding my knee.

"This ring was my mothers, a long long time ago but then when she died she left it for my brother," he starts, looking at the ring with a small smile.

"Liam," I interrupt, reaching out to the ring but he pulls it away.

"Nope, you get it in a minute," he says, looking at me laughing. And that's when I realise when he's giving me the ring. I smile, I just smile, bigger than I ever before.

He's going to propose.

"After my brother died this ring no long represented love. It was a reminder of all that I had lost and a symbol of fear and hate. All  that changed when I met you. This ring is now a symbol of confidence, of love. This ring is a symbol of how we make each other better, a symbol of light, of hope. This ring is a symbol of our souls bonded forever. This ring is a promise that I will always be by your side because Swan I love you more than you could ever imagine and that is why above all else, this ring is a symbol of my undying love for you," Killian moves himself off the log to kneel on one knee infront of me, holding my hand his his.

Tears well in my eyes, threatening to spill. I try to hold them back but I can't, one escapes and then another and another until a river his falling down my face. I love this man so damm much.

"So, Emma Swan, will you marry me?" Captain Hook asks with love, with hope. When I first met this man, never did I ever think this would happen. Oh how life changes.

"Yes," is the only awnser I can say, I can think. A huge grin spreads over his face and he jumps up, pressing our lips together passionately. I pour all my love for him into that kiss, as he does for me. I can feel it, I can feel his love for me.

Forever and eternal, immortal, undying.

Somewhat relevutantly, we both pull away, resting our heads together and just staying in the moment. His hand caresses mu cheek and for goodness knows how long, we just stay like that.

"Ring," I whisper, pulling away and opening my eyes. Killian smiles at this and uses his hand to wipe away my tears -which are still falling- away.

"Aye love," he sighs, detaching it from the necklace and place the chain over his neck. "May I?" He questions, gently holding my hand in his. I nod my head and close my eyes for a few seconds, smiling and trying to stop crying. "Oh Swan," Killian laughs, wiping a few more tears away.

"Sorry," I apologise, laughing as well. "I'm just so happy I can't seem to stop,"

"Me to, I'm happy to," he replies, slipping the ring on my finger, which fits perfectly. Looking at it I feel more tears brewing in my eyes, I'm to be married. We're to be married.

"Why take it off the chain?" I ask, somewhat out of the blue. "And why give this to me if it was your brothers?" To my surprise Killian smiles and answers. Being honest I wasn't expecting that.

"Because it represented guilt and regret," he grimaces, looking at the ring. "And besides it's the only ring I had on me," at this I laugh and press a peck to his lips. Our eyeline meets, both of us falling silent. At the same time a grin breaks out on both out faces.

"We're getting married," I say, breaking the silence. "We can start our life together, now,"

"Sail away, never returning and exploring the realms together," he murmurs, resting his head against mine. We both fall silent, envisioning our future together in our own little world.

Nothing can break my thoughts, well what comes next can.

A rustle of leaves pulls me back to the present.

Maybe it's just an animal...

But as I look up its not an animal.

Its something that does break my track of thought.

Forbidden Love (Dare to love #1) (OUAT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now