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''Speech! Speech!'' King David yells over all the chatter. Amongst the evil queen being defeated, his daughter being born and he and his wife being crowned king and queen, a celebration was obviously in order.

The evil queen had been defeated and she was no longer welcome in this land or any land for that matter. She had been banished into oblivion because that's what she deserves after everything she has done. As once in her own words, death is to good for her.

''Speech! Speech!'' He yells again, slightly louder. This time the chatter stops and everyone looks at the king who is standing up. There was an all-day celebration followed by a feast. Some people in the crowd have had too much to drink, leading to the guards having to escort them out, but apart from that, everything is good. This celebration is for the whole land, not just for the kingdom, for everyone wants to celebrate the evil queen's banishment.

''For years we have been plagued by the evil queen, but her reign has ended and a new has begun. Let peace and happiness come to all of this land, lasting for the rest of eternity. Never will this land face an evil like her, ever again. Let us be happy and joyful. There is no need to be scared. And yes normality will take a little time, but it will happen. Just be patient. Now we can all live our happy endings and shall we never ever cower in fear again! To my lovely wife, Snow, my newborn child and to everybody in this kingdom lets raise a glass,'' Everyone does this and takes a sip of there wine. However, just as King David is about to speak again, he gets a tap on the shoulder. Turning around he sees his wife who has a happy expression on her face.

''I think it's time to introduce Emma to the kingdom,'' Snow smiles, 'I think they've waited long enough,' she speaks quietly so only David can hear.

''We shall be back shortly,'' the king announces, placing his glass on the table. He follows his wife out to the side door where Grace is holding a bundle of blankets. No, not a bundle of blankets, a baby. The princess Emma, who at the moment is asleep but surely won't be for long.

''Here you go,'' Grace smiles placing Emma in her father's hands. Grace is a young woman with short blonde hair. She is kind and gentle, with no hint of hate. ''She fell asleep but I'm sure she'll want to meet everyone,''

''I'm sure she will,'' David smiles, kissing his daughters head. As he looks down, he sees wide green eyes staring back at him. ''Hello little one, you want to meet everyone don't you?'' He whispers, not wanting to frighten his little princess. ''Common sweetheart, let's go, your in for a long night,'' Looking up at his wife, and placing a kiss to her lips, he hands Emma to her mother. Emma immediately starts to make cute baby noises, making all three people laugh.

"I think someone's glad to see me," Snow laughs, rocking her daughter back and forth. Then she looks up to her husband. "I love you,"

"I love you to," They share yet another passionate kiss before pulling away.

"Shall we?" David asks, moving away so Snow can go first.

"We shall,"

And as everyone lays eyes on their princess, more joy fills the kingdom. Joy that is sure to last for many years to come.

Just a quick note, I know this was very bad and short. I promise it will get better. The rest of the chapters will be from Emma's POV in first person, I hope you enjoyed the prologue and will enjoy the rest of the story. Remember to vote. Thanks :)

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