chapter 9

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When I open my eyes I have no idea where I am. I blink a bit to get rid of my blurry vision but I still have no idea where I am. I slowly stand up and look around. I'm in a dark room which looks like it hasn't been cleaned in aeons. Where am I? Where are my parents?

"Hello, Emma," an unfamiliar voice says. I turn around and my eyes widen. Who is that person? They wear a tatty, ruined, black as ink cloak. The hood is so large it covers the person's whole face. I get a funny feeling from him, I don't know why. I just get a feeling from him. I feeling that I've met him before, seen him before. Is that weird?

Yes. Yes, it is.

"Who are you?" I ask, putting my hands out in front of me. "I warn you, I have magic, I will kill you," I threaten, edging slowly closer.

"Oh I know,' he lifts his hood up, revealing a smirk. My mouth falls to the ground. He looks so... similar to my father, to me. He can't be that much older than me either. I feel a connection to him. Who is he? His hair is dirty blond like father's and he has mothers eyes. His chin and smile are the same as mine, as are his eyes. Why does he look like me, like mother, like father? "But I also know that you don't have complete control over them and that you have no idea of the true extent of your powers,"

"Where am I? Who are you?" I ask sternly. "Awnser me and let me go!" I shout this, hoping to scare him. I need to get back, my parents will be worried sick.

"I think deep inside you know exactly where you are and exactly who I am," he answers, making me frown. What is he talking about? He's a mad man!

"What are you talking about, I've never seen you, I've never been here,"

"Yes, you have. Yes, you do. Don't you recognise this place, look around," he says, his voice soft and calming yet threatening. Who is he and what does he want? "Look in the mirror," he orders, glancing at the wall. What mirror? There's no mirror.

"Where am I?" I repeat, determined to get awnser. If he's going to kidnap me he can at least tell me exactly where I am. "And What do you want with me?" At this, he smiles and picks something up before chucking it on the floor.

"We are in your head Emma, and as for what I want with you, I think you know," I give him a quizzical look so he speaks again. "There's a war raging inside you Emma. A great, great, war," The dark one... how does he know that? What kind of sorcerer is he? "Your destiny awaits you,"

"Who are you?" I ask again in a no-nonsense tone. "Tell me," why does he look so familiar? So like father?

"As I said, deep inside you know the awnser to that question," why's he being so mysterious? This is so ridiculous. I need to find a way out.

"Look around Emma, this is your war. The battle for your soul, the battle for your future, your destiny. But not only your destiny but the whole kingdoms. Are they to be saved or doomed? It all starts with you, Emma. With the war inside you. Let me show you," he places a hand to my head and I flinch away. Who is this man? What does he want?

"You have the wrong person, I'm just your average princess,"

"Now we both know that's not true," he smirks. "Your special Emma, I know it, you know it. Let me show you, let me help you," I look at him, for the first time my senses aren't picking up on him. They don't know if his intentions are good or bad. I gulp down the lump in my throat.

"What do you know about me?"

"Everything. I know your soul is in a battle. A battle of good and evil. And this war, Emma, will determine the future of this land. Will you endanger the people, or save them? It all depends on this war that you must fight. Let your true identity win, look in the mirror, this is what your becoming, this is who you are on the path to be. This is who you are," I look in the mirror and the person looking back at me is a stranger. My reflection has white hair and skin that looks cold. She's wearing red lipstick that only makes her feel even eviler. The funny thing is, the clothes she's wearing don't match her face. I would expect her to be wearing black, dark clothes, but she's in the same dress I am. However now looking at it, the dress looks like it's battling with the dark.

"This is the war Emma, your war. Fight it, and win it. By doing this the results will not be as you expect but fight this battle. Let your true identity win," I open my mouth to speak again but he interrupts. "Time is almost up. We don't have long. Learn your power Emma, and embrace it, and love it,"

"That sounds like you want me to lose this 'battle'",' I say, very confused. "Why?" But he doesn't awnser, or he does but I don't hear it because everything goes dark again.

Forbidden Love (Dare to love #1) (OUAT fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now