I feel satisfied.

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Derek gets alarmed as bright sunlight shines through the window seal, creating a blur to his vision. He smacks his mouth as he tastes the sharp alchohol from last night, and gets disgusted very fast. He positions his pillow; not caring of the position he is in until he hears a slight snore. 'Oh shit' he thinks to himself as he slowly looks behind him to find a woman with blonde locks covering her back. 'Why is she in my bed.. in my trailer?' Derek thought to himself as he leaned up and lifted up the blanket. 'That's why' He thinks to himself looking at his naked body under the covers.

"Get up." Derek says knudging the unknown woman on the shoulder. She shuffles in her sleep as she moves the blanket towards her shoulder.

"Hey." He comes over to her face and snaps.

"I'm not joking princess. Get up." Derek says rudely, getting annoyed more and more by the second. She sits up and adjusts her eyes, holding her hand to her throat.

"What happened?" The mysterious woman says with a sore throat.

"I'm naked. You're naked. Any guesses?" Derek says slipping on his shirt.

"I remember now. I got drunk.. you took advantage of me, we had incredible sex-"

"It was pretty basic sex to me. You are just one of the regulars." He says smirking a bit putting on his boxers. She gets up completely naked, not having one care in the world that she is nude in front of the rudest person to ever live on this earth, Derek Shepherd. She searches for her shirt.

"You are a complete jackass." She says furiously pulling her shirt from underneath the bed and slipping it on over her uncovered breasts; her nipples poking through. Derek takes his sweet time looking at her bare ass. Derek giggles at her comment. He picks up her pair of jeans and throws it at her, causing her to flinch.

"Put that on, grab your stuff, and leave." He says making his way to the bathroom.

"Are you actually kicking me out of this.. cheap ass trailer." She says slipping on her underwear then jeans, buttoning them up. Derek stops in his tracks and turns around.

"This whole land is mine.. all mine pretty princess. So who's the cheap one now." Derek says pointing his finger at her and heading towards the bathroom; he grabs his toothbrush and starts to brush his teeth. She grabs her purse.

"How am I supposed to get home?" She says walking up to the bathroom door staring at the unknown man in her eyes, which was fixing his hair in the mirror. He spits out his toothpaste.

"Walk home."

"Walk home? Are you serious?"

"Completely serious." He smirks grabbing a coat for himself.

She looks out the window. "I can't walk in the wilderness. I have work!" She yells rolling her eyes.

"Then call a cab. Do whatever you have to do. I am.. for one not taking you anywhere." Derek states precisely heading for the door. The unknown girl follows with her stuff. She pushes the unknown jackass out of her way from the door.

"I hope you rot in hell." She snickers walking outside along the dirt path. She takes out her phone and calls a cab.

"Hope to see you there!" Derek chuckles getting into his car, and starting it, pulling out along the dirt path. The woman watches.

"Bye-bye now." Derek waves from his car as he drives down the very long dirt rode, as the girl shakes her head in distress. But little did Derek know that this woman was Meredith Grey, the daughter of the one, the only Ellis Grey, the famous and powerful Neuro Surgeon and Chief.

20 minutes later

Derek walks through the large Seattle Grace hospital doors as Mark approaches him, fistbumping him.

"Where were you last night? I was a little late to arrive at the bar last night but you weren't there." Mark watches Derek sip his coffee.

"I'm guessing I got laid. My dick feels satisfied anyways." Derek chuckles to himself as they both approach the elevator.

"Good for you man. Was she hot?"

"She was hot." Derek smiles thinking about her body, the way it has an hourglass figure, and her blonde hair giving a scent like no other.

"Do you know her name?" Mark asks getting into the elevator with Derek.

"No.. didn't ask. I completely kicked her out." He laughs to himself.

"That's not nice man. After she gets you laid you have to appreciate her. Embrace the moment. Share it with me." Mark says knudging Derek's shoulder playfully.

"I'm not going to embrace a woman I just met. Not just met since I met her the night before but.. I was drunk and I barely remember anything except.." Derek stops in his track as his lips turn into a wide smile.

"What?" Mark exclaimed curiously.

"She was really good in bed. God dammit."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Yes.. and no. I don't want to give precise details but she uh.."

"Deep throat?"

"Mhm. Man did it feel good." Derek leans his head back as he hears the elevator ding. He walks out with Mark.

"What's the bad thing about it?" Mark whispers trying to pass by all of the nurses; but with Mark it's almost impossible.

"I told her that she was one of my regulars. Now if I ever see her again I can't get laid with her again because she will think that she was average in bed, but in reality it was the best I've ever had. Better than Addison." Derek rants off to Mark who was not paying attention, but instead eyeing a nurse.

"What was that?" Mark focuses his attention back to Derek.



"He was a complete ass!" Meredith groans throwing her shirt into her locker.

"I mean.. I was great. I knew I was great." She states pulling out her scrub top.

"Well.. you won't ever see this mysterious man anymore. Just don't let it ruin your day." Cristina says patting Meredith on the shoulder.

"I can't just ignore it. If he would have been nice to me this morning I would of had a great day. But he just used me and then threw me out calling me princess!" Meredith groans after this comment, pulling up her scrub pants. She sits on the bench.

"You got laid. Just don't think of what happened this morning. Was it any good?"

"It was so good. At least to my memories. I remember bits and pieces." Meredith says tieing her shoe.

"He was handsome too. Not like Finn or.. whatever his name is."


"Yes Steve. He wasn't that good since I broke his penis. Which I guess is my fault but the sex still wasn't good." Meredith ties her hair up into a ponytail. Cristina finishes dressing and walks out of the locker room with Meredith.

"Who do you have?" Meredith states.

"I have Mark Sloan." Cristina slightly smirks at the thought of him.

"I have a man named Shepherd. I have never heard of him."

"You haven't? He's been working here for about a year now. You really don't know him?" Meredith's shrugs and shakes her head at Cristinas comment.

"He's like Sloan. Attractive, nice sense of humor.. but he is the definition of a rude person. Good luck with him." Cristina laughs as she opens the door to a patient room. Meredith spots Sloan talking to a patient, as Meredith keeps walking. She has been working in this hospital for about a year now, but never have heard of the man "Shepherd." Her mother might know him, since she is the Chief. But of course Meredith is just an intern and doesn't know anything that's going on in this Seattle Grace Hospital.

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