|Chp. 29: In the Nic of Time|

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I didn't know the guards all that well. Not to mention one of them is terrified of me after his encounter with the dire wolves. I never got around to asking about that. But if Smoke pulls through with Grey, I'm sure I can.

If I'm being honest, I was really hoping he'd pull through with the pack. While I prayed this wouldn't end in war, I got a bad feeling that it's what the pack wants.

They want to expand their territory and Quinn's family is in the way. They could expand the territory other ways but for some odd unknown reason the bastards want to expand it this way. As if they hadn't caused enough trouble with Quinn's family.

Even without Thaddeus present I still could see the scar that ran down his face all because of a smile he sent at the alpha's daughter. If I had to kill him tonight, I'd be sure to leave his daughter with a scar as well.

Fighting in anger never went well, but this is more than anger. They're monsters and deserve to be treated as such. After saddling up the brown horse I searched out the guards after Lupa was pulled into me.

The guards Honey sent me to I found at the front of the castle. They had spears and armor on as well. Their polar bears stood next to them in sets of armor as well.

From the sight I knew they were preparing for an attack on the castle. In the times I had seen them they were minimally armored. Most of the time they just had spears, but I could see swords and other things set on them.

I had my bow with the quiver full of arrows strapped to me as I rode up to them quietly. The first guard, a tall, muscled man with a scar running across his lip was the first to notice me.

He turned around to face me. "Your Silver I'm assuming?" He asked and I nodded as I pulled the brown horse to a halt and patted her neck.

The horse is a gorgeous mare with a bit of an attitude. She was a deep brown color with bits of white on her muzzle and then on top of her head. She had black stockings as well along with her mane and tail being black. I also knew she was one of the fastest horses and smallest ones.

Despite her size she was very mighty and could carry a lot of weight. She was one of the horses we had longest. After we received these horses, Erick had begun collecting more as the use for the horses grew. Without a doubt they had grown in use to the cause.

They provided quick travel as well as ways to transport resources better. 

"I am Silver." I told him and the guard nodded.

"Your here about the wolves?" He asked and I nodded.

"Honey told me you could tell me the location to scout them out and report back." I told him and he nodded at that.

"They'll be on the east border, there is char marks that show when this territory ends, and the wolf's territory begins." He explained and I nodded as I steered the horse away before following his instructions and riding off.

I kept quiet as the mare cantered through the snow. I pulled my sheepskin jacket close before applying the scent lotion that I had bought in the city on both the horse and me. I'm not fond of the scent lotion as it sometimes abstracts my senses but right now it could give me the jump, I'd need in this situation.

Lupa was quiet and settled within me being a calming presence. Her presence always calms me when she is pulled into my body. I slowed the horse to a trot as the char marks appeared. 

I ran my hand over her neck before slowly carrying on through the woods. At some point I'd dismount and move slowly after keeping the mare hidden but in sight for, I could sprint to her if I were spotted.

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