|Chp. 12: Settling Dominance|

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Summer watched us with amusement as Smoke stepped out of the infirmary and he looked at Summer then followed his gaze. Smoke's gaze landed on me. . . outside when I should of been inside. Lupa raised herself up attempting to appear in a more intimidating fashion.

Spoiler alert it didn't work.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed recovering?"

Smoke came over his gold eyes on mine as Lupa came in front of me. "Easy." I murmured to her as Summer came up on Smoke's side.

"I was walking out for fresh air, staying in that infirmary all day long is tiring. Makes me go stir crazy, I'm sure you'd understand if you were the one in my position." I wasn't able to bite back my sarcasm though.

Smoke watched me. "I've been in that very infirmary many times. Cons to having brothers who all wrestle to be the top one. So yes, I am aware of what it's like." 

Smoke took in a deep breath. "How healed are your wounds?" Smoke asked.

"Does it matter?" I snapped.

"I'm trying to be nice to you, so how healed are they?" Neither of us were pleased with each other.

"I'd be fine if you didn't attack me."

"You were in my goddamn territory. I had no idea why. For all I know you could have been an enemy. Wolves don't just wander in this deep. By now most have either been scared off or killed. You were too small to be just a dire wolf. But too big for a grey one."

Smoke watched me as if I were a freak of nature and I hated it. I had always seen my weird size grow. Of course, the only wolf I had to base this off was my mom. 

So, I assumed to just have an excessively big dad. Then the cruel wolf pack came along and now this pack of wolves. 

If I had thought I was a large wolf I dulled in comparison now. Lupa's headed reached right around Summer's neck area near his withers. The wolves here were huge. The only benefit Lupa had was that Summer came from an alpha line. 

Omen is Summer's dad and Omen is the alpha. I'd give Lupa the benefit on that. Lupa was currently locked in a stare down with Summer. The same way I was with Smoke.

That's how we seemed to be operating at the moment. Ever since I had been put in the infirmary by Smoke there was the uneasy dominance between us. Neither of us seemed keen on backing down as I hadn't submitted.

He may have had me on the ground, but I hadn't given up ready to die. His father had stopped him before he had killed me.

"I'm just try to be a considerate person. If your wounds aren't closing walking around will just irritate them. So how have they been healing?"

Lupa looked back at me. 'He seems to be attempting to apologize but struggling at it. Prideful males.' Lupa made sure that only I could hear it. If Smoke heard it his ego would be hurt even more.

He was attempting a half-done pitiful apology that it was almost cute in a way.  Pitiful but cute. The least I could do was be nice to him. 

"The one on my leg is closing, the one near my stomach is the worse once. But I had the bandages tighter for it wouldn't be bothered and put extra of the salve on it." I explained looking at where the bandages were wound tight around my waist.

That had been the wound he had torn up the most leaving it big and gaping. It was the only wound that also had the stems of leaves woven throughout it to keep it closed tight. They were the wildernesses version of stitches unlike the city who used thread.

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