Chapter 7

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[WARNING :: sexual content ]

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[WARNING :: sexual content ]

Yvette adjusted the pillows and smoothed the bed with a sigh, feeling a twinge of pain in her back. She missed the comfort of her own bed, the softness of her sheets, and the familiarity of home. As she placed the pillow on her side of the bed, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Hvitserk emerge from the other room, sweat glistening on his forehead and his hands stained with blood from training.

"Your hands, they look quite rough tonight. Come here," she said, patting the bed.

Hvitserk followed her gesture, settling onto the edge of the bed. He watched her with a mix of curiosity and appreciation. Despite the animosity between them, there was something about her that he couldn't quite bring himself to dislike. Her heart was evidently pure, and even though she despised him, she cared for him every night. Hvitserk wondered why. Why was she so kind and caring, despite their daily arguments and her evident disdain for him? They fought constantly, over the smallest things, and he often found himself avoiding her, staying away from home. Yet, every night, Yvette took care of him—preparing his food, tending to his wounds from training.

"Hvitserk..." Yvette's voice was soft, her eyes focused on the small cuts on his hands.

"Yes?" he replied, his tone gentle and curious

"Your mother asked today when we would bear a child. It's been four moons since our wedding, and the rumors are starting to spread."

Her words felt like daggers, slicing through his heart. Yvette's stomach churned at the thought of him touching her, but deep down, she knew this day would come. It had been four moons since their marriage, and the most they had shared was a cold embrace on a winter night. Yvette respected Hvitserk for keeping his promise not to lay a finger on her, but now, with time passing, she was facing the harsh reality. The townspeople and even Hvitserk's mother were beginning to speak of them, their whispers turning into judgment.

"I know," Hvitserk said softly, his voice echoing in the dimly lit chamber as he dropped his boots with a muted thud. He sat on the edge of their bed, his eyes fixed on his wife. "I've heard the whispers. They say you're barren."

Yvette turned to him, her gaze a blend of sorrow and resolve. "A woman's worth is often measured by her ability to bear children," she murmured, her voice heavy with the weight of societal expectations. "Even though I dread this path, we both know the implications of our situation."

Hvitserk sighed, the burden of their situation weighing heavily on him. "I told you I—"

"I know what you told me," Yvette interrupted, her voice trembling with emotion. "And I can't express enough how much that meant to me. But—"

"I will only touch you if you tell me to." His voice was steady, yet gentle, giving her the power to decide.

Yvette swallowed hard, her eyes locking onto his as she gathered her courage. "I want to be with you, Hvitserk, as a husband and wife should."

Hvitserk was taken aback by her words, his gaze fixed on her pale face in stunned silence. He had been waiting for this moment since their wedding, but now that it had arrived, he found himself uncertain if he was ready.

"Hvitserk." Her voice was a soft whisper, floating through the air like a caress. Hvitserk's fingers grazed the delicate strings of her dress, his touch slow and deliberate as he began to unlace them, savoring the feel of each intricate knot he released. Yvette closed her eyes as she felt his hands carefully and slowly roam her body. His fingertips gently touched her bare chest sending her to place of shivers; She felt a soothing comfort in the way his hands explored her, dispelling her fears. Initially, she had imagined him as a ruthless force, but now, as his lips gently traced her skin, her apprehensions melted away. Each tender touch and soft kiss reassured her, replacing the dread with a growing intimacy she hadn't expected.

Hvitserk was tender with Yvette, his every touch filled with a cautious reverence, as though he were bracing himself for her to withdraw or say no. His eyes found hers every time he would remove a piece asking if it was okay to continue. He let his hands carefully wonder over her now naked body, a real-life version of what he has been dreaming of since he saw her and to his surprise her body was more beautiful than he ever could've pictured. As he hovered over her, for the first time since their wedding day, Hvitserk's hand gently cupped Yvette's cheek, his touch a delicate promise. As their lips met, they melted together in a slow, heated embrace, igniting a connection that had long been dormant. Hvitserk carefully inserted himself between her legs and with a small thrust the kiss broke apart as Yvette whimpered out in pain.

"Look at me," Hvitserk whispered, his voice low and intimate as he gently guided her focus away from the pain and toward him. His eyes traced her features, each moment that passed only deepening his awe—she seemed to grow more beautiful with every fleeting second. His hand slide down her leg and carefully he hooks his arm under her knee pulling her leg upward toward him, just the slightest.

"Hvitserk.." Yvette whispered as she felt him fill her and for a moment the pain was all she could feel and with every slow thrust he made she wished he'd stop, her nails were digging so deeply into his back she was sure they would scar. But as their rhythm continues; things began to feel differently. her insides started to swirl with pleasure and the current pace Hvitserk was moving was no longer satisfying.

"Hvitserk." Yvette mumbled and Hvitserk feared her words. "Please faster." And as she breathed those words Hvitserk hearts raced, and he did as he was told but still being careful not to move to fast.

As their moans filled the loveless house, the air between them seemed to crackle with an electric charge. It was as if their very beings were intertwined in a dance of passion and desire, their bodies moving in unison as they sought to satisfy the primal hunger that had taken hold of them both.

Yet, even as they succumbed to the pleasures of the flesh, their hearts remained guarded, their minds still clinging to the animosity that had once defined their relationship. They were like two stars locked in a cosmic dance, their orbits forever intertwined, yet never quite touching.

But something was shifting, something deep within the very fabric of their beings. The pleasure they found in each other's embrace felt different, as if it were a key to unlocking a hidden door to a world of possibilities.

Was their hate changing? Was it possible that the fire of their passion could melt the icy walls they had built around their hearts, forging a new bond between them? Only time would tell, as they journeyed through the labyrinth of their emotions, seeking the truth that lay hidden in the shadows of their souls.

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