First Glance

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Today should have felt exciting, it should have felt like a new start in life. Technically it was as the twins got ready to head to their first day at the infamous UA high school. For some reason something kept disrupting their daily routine, their shared looks and mumbles of words were enough for them to realize things were changing for sure this time. Despite their worrying they didn't have time to contemplate what lay ahead, because the two famous Hashira twins needed to get to school, on time. With a glance at the clock in their living room and then a glance at each other, they grabbed their book bags and left the shared apartment that they wouldn't be back in for a while.

It did not take long for the younger twin to grow bored of walking in silence, so he did what he did best, which was hounding his sister until she grew tired of him and snapped.

"Will you at least try to make some friends this year? It is very tiring having to explain to everyone why you won't join us in afterschool festivities you know." The boy walked beside his twin, a sullen expression on his face as he stared at his big sister.

"Making friends is a waste of time, it won't benefit us in the long run. I've told you this, we have one job here and once that job is done we leave." She was known to be cold to everyone that encountered her, it wasn't intentional most of the time but it left an impression on everyone that she was not to be approached. No one wanted the "boring" twin as a friend.

Their walk once again grew silent after that, it was peaceful to listen to the rustling of the branches. A few cherry blossoms still remained, floating down to the ground now that their season was coming to a close. Sooner than she had hoped, the path leading to the front doors of the school lay before them. The girl glanced towards her brother, "I'll try, if it makes you happy then i'll try to make a friend, or two. I don't see how it will change things, but I guess we'll see, right?"

Before her brother had a chance to respond, she walked down the path leading to the school doors. She decided to take in the layout of the school grounds, the dorms where they would be staying were already built, their home for the foreseeable future. It felt surreal, and a bit nerve-wracking to be entering such a well known school, though she would never admit it to anyone. They walked through the doors, looking around at the many halls and rooms they would soon need to become familiar with. As she rounded the corner lost in thought, a body collided with hers, sending papers flying throughout the empty hallway.

"Whoa, you should really be careful carrying that much stuff. If you need help I got it!"
A purple glow shot out from her brother's hands, the colorful hue surrounded each paper catching it in midair, as if time stopped momentarily. With his power the boy neatly returned the papers back to its owner. The purple glow faded from the boys hands and eyes, returning his features back to normal. They now stood in front of the class 1-A doors, the neutral expression never left the girls face.

"O-oh thank you! I really appre-". The green haired boy's eyes widened and mouth dropped open as he finally took in the two students standing in front of him. Realization crossed his features.

"It seems like you have a fan Takuya." The tiniest smile graced the girls mouth as she looked at her brother.

"Y-You're the famous H-hashira twins! Of course I know you! You have some of the strongest quirks here! I'm D- Izuku Midoriya, I was just about to enter the classroom but I got a bit carried away."

"Then feel free to enter with us stranger! I'm Takuya, this is my sister Wren Hashira." Takuya held out a hand for Izuku to shake, forever being the friendly social butterfly whereas Wren gave a small nod of acknowledgment. For some reason, she felt a small flutter of nervousness in the pit of her stomach and had to force herself to push it down deep. Feelings wouldn't help her right now.

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