Burning tears

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The days at U.A seemed to pass by in a blur, whether it was training, tests, or bonding with her classmates there was rarely ever a time that Wren wasn't busy. The day had arrived where they all needed to choose their class representatives, it wasn't of much importance to her, but she noticed everyone else buzzing with excitement as soon as Aizawa announced it.

"Losers, it's not that important." Bakugo was seated in front of her, chin propped onto his hand.

"What is this about? We never did this at our middle school." She leaned forward in her seat to ask him the question, curiosity getting the best of her.

"Huh? What kind of school did you go to?" He turned to look at her, but her face was closer than he expected, her emerald eyes studied his own intently.

"It wasn't a good one, I'll say that much. I'm sorry for being curious, explosion boy." She leaned back in her chair, the sarcastic tone of her voice pissed him off. Ever since the hero training, he had been nicer to her than anyone else. Wren noticed it right away, and he was the same with Kirishima.

"Tch, weird ass. They just represent the class as a damn whole, it's not that big of a deal."

Before lunch everyone had voted on Midoriya and Momo, which was fine with her, because she had no idea what was going on either way. Her brother looked a little down that he didn't win, so did Iida. Either way she walked beside Kirishima, ever since their first day at school, he always made sure to include her at lunch. Bakugo always had something to say about it, more complaining that she didn't sit with the girls in class. She never paid him any mind, at least she wasn't sitting alone or stuck with her brother again this year.

She knew that tensions ran high between Bakugo and Takuya, later on after she had recovered, Midoriya informed her that her brother was going to attack Bakugo if All might hadn't stepped in.

'You didn't have to do that Takuya, it was a part of the training you can't blame him for trying to win.'

'He shouldn't have tried to hit anyone like that, if it weren't for Recovery girl you'd still be laying in that damn bed.'

He had stormed off after that, and has since refused to talk to Bakugo or interact with him in any form. Wren loved her brother more than anyone else, he was her only family, but there were times where his protectiveness over her left her feeling suffocated.

"You okay Wren?" Kiri patted her head as they waited in line for their food, trays in hand.

"I'm okay, just a little hungry I guess, I need to eat a lot because of my quirk."

Bakugo scoffed, "You don't even use your quirk, why the hell do you need to eat so much?"

"Hey man! That's probably personal!"

"It's alright Kirishima, if you must know, even when I'm not using my quirk it still takes a lot of energy to maintain it and control it. I could quite literally burn up from the inside out if I don't have enough nutrients in my system." She grabbed a plate of noodles, with a side of rice and vegetables.

"B-Burn up? So your quirk is fire?" Midoriya popped his head out from behind Kirishima, excitement lighting up in his eyes.

"Fire? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but my quirk isn't as simple as fire, no offense Todoroki." The white and red haired boy shrugged it off.

"Damn Deku, aren't you the one that knows everything about her and that purple glowy bastard?" Bakugo sneered at him, looking mad that Midoriya popped into their conversation.

"My quirk is-" Before the words could even come out of her mouth she was interrupted by her brother wrapping an arm around her.

"Wren, what did ya get me to eat huh?" Takuya couldn't seem to read the faces of everyone, even Bakugo glaring at him. He snatched the noodles from his sister's tray looking as clueless as ever, then proceeded to make his way back to a table. She knew he did it on purpose just to make everyone mad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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