Burned and Bruised

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It was no surprise that there wasn't much to do in the dorms. Other than socializing, but that wasn't exactly Wrens forte. As soon as she had entered the dorms and found her room, she collapsed on the bed not bothering to unbox all her things. Her thoughts wandered back to the test, her display of power had set off her nerves. Recently she had no problem controlling it, but when her emotions took over there was no telling what she was capable of. There was also the issue now of having pissed off one person in class already.

As her thoughts drifted from her first encounter in U.A. to the quirk assessment to the angry pomeranian blond, her mind eventually dozed off into an unsettling dream. Just like the others that plague her every night, it was full of flashes of past memories, voices and overlapping whispers that she couldn't comprehend. No matter what it was impossible to avoid them.

The anxieties she had felt throughout the day seemed to be manifesting itself in these nightmares now.

'Her dream world was a wasteland of nothing but black, an occasional image would come across her vision, but disappear as soon as her hand reached out to grab hold of it. It was as if she were floating, there was nowhere to run and every time she tried her legs didn't seem to want to work.

On cue like every night, as Wren turned to look around her an outreached hand made its way towards her face, before she could cry out, a man's blurred face came rushing towards her, the only feature she caught was silver hair like her own. It was like someone suddenly wrapped a hand around her throat, cutting off her airways and digging their fingers into her neck. There was nothing she could do except claw helplessly at the arm, there was no way she could get free.

As her vision blurred, a piercing scream that wasn't her own escaped from her mouth.

Wren sat up gasping for air, her right hand checked her throat and the other was fisted above her heart, as a bead of sweat moved down the side of her face.

'It's okay, I'm okay...' It was the only way to reassure herself.

It took a moment to realize where she was, there wasn't the familiar scent of her old room or the warmth. The only things adorning the room were stacked boxes pressed up against one wall and a clock that read ten p.m.

"Damn it all..." There was no water in the room, which meant it was time to socialize in the kitchen if anyone was there at this hour. With tired eyes and an aching chest, she made her way to the bedroom door, swinging it open faster than she had meant to. Stopping dead in her tracks, she came eye to eye with the blond boy from before, he was entering the room next to hers.

'You have to be kidding me.'

Bakugo had a glass of water in his hand, the cup was raised to his lips but he stopped the moment her eyes met his. They stared until Wren looked away and he opened his loud mouth.

"OI! What the hell! Why the hell are you next to mine?!" As usual a scowl graced his features, almost making Wren smile, almost.

"Why would you care? It's not like I'm bothering you, am I, you loud pomeranian? Keep it down, people are sleeping." There was so much more to do than to stick around explaining herself to a boy she hardly knew. The room she got was assigned to her, just like everyone else. It was late, so why was he even awake?

"What the hell did you just call me!? What kind of extra are you to tell me to be quiet?" There was a glint in his eyes that Wren couldn't quite place, like a flame starting to kindle. She had no time to stoke those flames of his right now. It took her a moment to tear her eyes away from his again, a small smirk appearing on her mouth as she shrugged her shoulders and stepped past him to head down the hallway.

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