Chapter 1A - Gulf Kanawut....

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Hello all, welcome to the first chapter...thank you for taking your time to check this story out! hope you like it.

Picture credited to google search, (FB - Flash Back)


New York City,

There was a constant ringing in his ears but the unbearable pain radiating through his body was what made it difficult for him to think anything. He yelped as a sudden jerk doubled the pain, he tried to open his eyes but the tears in his eyes were making it harder yet with a bare minimum he saw he was passing lights on the took him a minute but he finally realised he was in the hospital. With the last piece of energy he asked "my brot... how... is brother?" but he heard nothing in return. He was slowly and gradually losing his conscious, with the last speck of energy he had he heard a silvery voice 'Stay with me!' before he completely let go of his strength.

'Kana' - A face that lived up to the cuteness of his name, yet it was far different from his character. His stoic face and the hint of arrogance in his voice and attitude kept everyone at a distance. His life had taught him to trust little...very little and believe only himself; through the rough path of his life he steadily climbed up the 'food'-chain to become a growing 'mob/gangster' on his own. He chose to have limited crew around him with different job fronts...whom he still kept at a distance. Though his name was coming under many's radar...he was still in shadow...people have barely seen his face outside of his crew, as he took on limited jobs and irrespective of its risks finished it like a pro.

FB**The young boy was pushed in the front, his eyes blood shot from all the crying; he barely had the energy to stand but he had no other choice but to do that...he tried to stay still amongst the sharp pain from his stomach having not eaten anything in the last 24 hours. He raised his head and saw 3 guys looking down at him, 2 of them barely looked at him while the third one walked towards him slowly while the boy stood rooted. He crunched down and gave a sarcastic smile, he leaned back and announced "I'll take him!" the next second the boy was dragged away from them, through a small fleet of stairs and stood before a huge door that showed nothing but darkness on the other side. The boy hesitated to step forward fearing the darkness and unusual silence it emitted, yet without a warning someone smacked hard at the back of his head pushing him into the darkness.**

Kana jerked his eyes open, sweating and panting while he relived his childhood memory...a childhood nightmare to be precise...his breathing slowly calmed and slowly a strong pain started to radiate through his body again. He looked down to see almost his entire body bandaged, he could barely lift his head that felt like it weighed a ton and on cue his mind replayed the accident. He was transferring one of his consignment when saw two cars trailing his, he had sped over the bridge and was just about to lose them when his brother shouted about the truck seconds before it rammed them into the river. With a sharp pain in his head he came out of its memory when an instant panic set in...his brother! His brother was with him in the car; He immediately tried to get up pushing past the pain all over his body unplugging the cables attached to his body at once triggering an alarm.

Within seconds, nurse rushed in to see him struggling to get up from his bed, the nurse let out a relief sigh and walked in hurriedly "Oh thank god! What...what are you doing?" she said seeing him trying to rip off his medicine-drips. Kana paused for a second looking at her...momentarily distracted by the memory of his mother as soon as he saw her while his panic slowed a little. He shook his head getting out of the thought "my is he? Is he okay?? I need to see him!" he said trying to get up again, the nurse at once ran to him and held his shoulder trying to stop him from doing exactly that. "Okay okay Calm down now....calm down! You mean the man with you in the car?" she asked and Kana slowed nodded even with the blinding pain.

The nurse nodded along "Okay! He's still in took the rescuers sometime to pull him out of the water...he was unconscious but he's in surgery now and doctors are looking after him...So please calm down!" Kana tried to process the information. He barely remembers falling into the water since he lost conscious at impact; the nurse saw his face and smiled "We'll let you know as soon as we get an update! But you also went through a surgery so you need to rest too..." she said pushing towards the bed.

Kana leaned back on the bed, his thoughts filled with his brother; the nurse went on to plug all the monitoring cables onto his hands and chest. He closed his eyes as the feeling of someone pounding on his head increased, he took a few breathed and looked at the nurse who was now standing at his foot and writing something on his chart "What happened?" he asked in hoarse voice. The nurse put down her chart and walked towards him with a sad smile "Both you...and your brother? Met with an accident on the over-bridge...a truck rammed into your car and pushed it into the river...apparently you fell out of the car into the river while your brother was still inside the car! Now you are here and your brother will be fine too!" she said in a solemn voice while Kana listened silently with a grim face.

His train of thoughts broke when the nurse spoke again"Now we didn't find any ID with you, so we've registered you as John doe... and no one came to see you, so..." she said while Kana sighed "the only family I have is in surgery now!" he said barely above a whisper. The nurse stood silently unable to say anything in return; "Gulf...My name is gulf Kanawut!" he said with a stoic face yet his voice held some quantity of heaviness.


So that's it for chapter 1A, just an intro to the character...i will post the next chapter within 3 days its a continuation of the first chapter. Please let me know your thoughts on the chapter in the comment below.

Thank you, take care...see you soon,


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