Chapter 27 - Mew's hell

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hello all! I can't apologize enough for not updating this sooner. So here's the next chapter...hope you like it.
    I wanted to add that I will be updating the chapter-26 again with few changes(not sure when though), as I'm super unsatisfied with when I update hope you can read it again...and maybe like it more.

So see you at the end....


Mew's apartment

Feeling his conscious mind trying hard to ignore the bright light and heat on his face, Gulf tried to turn away but something tugged him back. Finally starting to feel the pounding inside his head, Gulf struggled to open his heavy eyes...while his mind took its time to refresh him with the memories of the night before. He opened his eyes and felt his irises burn at the sight of the bright morning light, he tried to cover his eyes but felt one of his hands stuck above his head.Confused by the resistance, he slowly tilted his head while squinting his eyes to open a little, towards his hand placed over his head. It took him a few seconds to recognize the familiar veined, long fingers that's was holding onto his wrist firmly.

                He blinked a few times to clear his blurred vision and raised his head to get a clearer view, only to see Mew sleeping in the other leg... of the same L-shaped couch, with their heads as their meeting point. He looked down to see Mew holding his hand, and a small smile spread across Gulf's mildly dry lips.Without trying to disturb his hand, he slowly kneeled down and crawled next to Mew and sat on the floor next to him. He brought his face closer to Mew's, admiring his child-like sleeping face until his eyes landed on his soft pink lips. He chuckled at his raising urge to kiss him that instant, and remembered the night before.


Last night,

Mew slowly stroked his Gulf's hair while watching him sleep, feeling the tiredness creep back into his body Mew was about to get up from the floor. But before he could, Gulf suddenly tugged on his hand almost making him lose his balance. Kneeling on one knee, Mew saw Gulf hugging his hand and sleeping like a child with a pout. He could tell, Gulf was under exhaustion from depth of sleep with a slight snore. Mew chuckled looking at his pouted lips and without a second thought he leaned down and pecked on his lips. Mew opened his eyes to see Gulf open his eyes with him, while Mew stared back at him at lose of words.

               Gulf's other hand slowly grabbed Mew's t-shirt near his neck and pulled him a little closer with their noses in contact. With a small sigh Gulf opened his mouth, "I won't...lose..." thinking he was sleep talking, Mew was about to answer back. But gulf added "! Mew!!" Mew stared at the last tear at the corner of Gulf's eyes, Mew shook his head and wiped his tear with a smile. Mew once again lowers his head and placed his lips on Gulf's, but this time gulf kissed him back...having no trace of desire the kiss was filled with only love.Breaking from the kiss, Mew connected his forehead to Gulf's, both of them stayed like that until gulf fell asleep again.


Gulf smiled reliving the moment, somehow that small moment gave him more relief than any therapy he could afford. All his anger, hurt...and vengeance that has been clouding his thoughts and actions all these years finally lightened a little. Felling a little lighter in his head, he could finally think a few things and made a few decisions in his life. He carefully twisted his hand within Mew's hold and pulled his hand along with his. He brought Mews hand closer to his face and placed it between nose and mouth, he smiled remembering Muk's words. Taking a deep breath...filling his lungs with Mews faint scent, he turned to see the clock...and saw it was way past 9am. But before he could react, he heard a loud yelp and a strong tug in his hand...startling him.

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