Chapter 14 - Casual Date

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Hello all! hope all are fine....i'm sure you're all fed up of me updating the chapter late and  apologizing for it, but sorry can't help it. SO here's the next chapter...hope you like it! see you at the end!!


Mew's Office

Mew couldn't move his eyes from Gulf's; everything suddenly seemed to slow down except his for his heartbeat that accelerated every passing second. Mew slowly realised he was staring at his lips more than anything, he at once lowered his eyes without moving his face away and looked back at his hand that was still on the bandage over Gulf's stitches. Still feeling the intense stare, Mew took a few sharp breathes in trying to focus and spoke "Ahmmm...this is a lot of scar's Mr. Kana! Do you still feel any pain from them??" he asked finally voicing out his curiosity after weeks. Gulf answered without even looking down, "No...They're just scars now...they don't bother me..." Mew nodded at his reply but he could clearly imagine the pain he would have gone through before it healed just by looking at them. Mew in swift move quickly opened his back desk and took out a cripple bandage.

           Gulf just stared at him confused, while without a word Mew started rapping the bandage around Gulf torso; Gulf could feel the pressure on his ribs free a little owing to the cripple bandage. Gulf smiled looking at a serious Mew, as soon as he finished wrapping it Mew leaned back with his eyes still fixed on his scars "I'm pretty sure it bothered you a lot before it healed... most of them look very painful" Mew said and looked up at Gulf who was already in deep thoughts. Gulf let out a deep and loud sigh remembering few of the times he got the scars; a small smile appeared on Gulf's face "Ya...maybe..." Gulf looked down at his scars " definitely hurt... and there's this moment of blinding pain where you can barely breathe... still get up and run..." Gulf said with a few pauses almost relieving the moment. Mew could see the flash of pain and anger pass through Gulf, he wanted to leave it at that but before he could control it he asked "Why?" Gulf chuckled looking slightly up. Mew at once knew he shouldn't have asked, but before he could apologise Gulf answered "because I had to...if not how else could I protect the people I care about?" Gulf answered proud of his choice of words.

He finally looked up to see Mew's face which looked completely pale; Mew looked like he had just witnessed something horrific in front of him. Gulf caught a flash of shock and pain pass through Mew's eyes...and for someone who had always held a calm and smiling face, Gulf was even more surprised to see how his words disturbed him. Still confused by Mews reaction, Gulf called "Doc? Dr. Mew??" hearing no answer, he reached and touched Mew's hands to break him out of his trance. Mew almost jumped in his seat at his touch and caught his hand in reaction; it took a few seconds for Mew to see where he was and who he was with. Mew tried to calm himself and smile but He struggled to do so, he looked down and released Gulf's hand "Ah ya! You're done...that's it for today!" Mew stuttered moving back from gulf.

             Somehow this gesture disturbed him more than Mews hand grab a few minutes ago, Gulf looked down still feeling the heat from the hold. But something in him told him that it might not be the time to question his reaction; Gulf slowly got up from his seat and buttoned his shirt up "Right! Thank you Dr. Mew!!" while Mew was still fumbling around his table. Mew at once stopped and looked at Gulf, within second his showed a small smile "No problem Mr. sure to come for the next check up!" Mew spoke trying to sound re-assuring. With a small nod, Gulf turned and slowly walked to the door while his heart weighted heavy knowing the doctor was not going to be completely alright. Gulf was even more frustrated that he couldn't do anything about it either; he slowly turned the door knob when he froze thinking of something.

             He took in a deep breath "Doc! I wanted to warn you beforehand..." gulf turned to face Mew who looked at him confused...more than surprised "I'm usually a man of my word but...." Gulf narrowed his eyes on Mew with a smug smile "Your jaw-lines are very tempting...more than it just be careful!" he almost whispered the last part; he shrugged seeing the slowly dropping jaw of Mew and left the room without a second look. While Mew just stared at the closed door trying to wrap his head around Gulf's words, he slowly turned to his system and let out a few chuckles that slowly turned into a fist of laughter; Nr. Alex who was just about to knock on his door stopped, smiled hearing him laugh out loud and left him without disturbing.

Few hours later,

Mew stood in front of the large glass window staring at the darkened sky, the sun had just gone down across a perfectly clear sky in front of his eyes few minutes ago, but the fully lite sky scrapers of the city made it harder to see any stars in the sky. Mew once again sighed as Gulf's words rang again in his ear for the nth time from afternoon. He vividly remembered hearing the same words a few years ago, and the next thing he remembered was his parents passing; Mew closed his eyes almost reliving the painful memory again. The image of him crying while sitting in that same hospital corridor grew clearer in his mind; He suddenly shook his head to get out of those thoughts. He looked at his watch and realized almost an hour had passed since his shift ended, with an deep breath he walked to the table and packed a few files in his bag when a quick knock followed by the sound of door opening took his attention.

            "'re here..." Max exclaimed as soon as his head peeked inside, he at once jumped inside the room and closed the door behind him "I have great news!" he smiled looking at Mew. Mew could already feel the exhaustion of the conversation that was about to happen, he let out a loud sigh "Yes?" he asked with his eyes still on his bag while missing Max's gleaming face. "I've got a date for you!" Max announced almost jumping in his place excited while Mew closed his eyes freezing in his place feeling the exact opposite. Mew slowly looked up with a glare, the look on Max's face assured him he wasn't kidding but still he asked...almost pleading "please tell me you're kidding!" Max energetically shook his head "...not at all!" Max leaped towards Mew. Almost cursing his fate, Mew answered nonchalantly "then...try to set it up for someone else...coz I'm not interested" he zipped his bag and straightened to leave.

The smile on Max's face at once dropped, he leaped in front of Mew stopping him "oh no...don't say that..." Mew begrudgingly stood in front of Max and unwillingly listens to him "C'mon have to need to go on this date..." Mew looked at Max confused. Max sighed "...coz I've already told my friend that you'll be there!" he said and took a step back seeing the drastic change in Mew's expression. Mew surprised by the information at once questioned him "you're setting me up with a friend of your??" Max at once waved his hand between them "No no...not my friend...A friend's friend...." Eh said yearning another stare from Mew. Max slowly reached and took Mew's hand "Please Mew! Please please...pleaseee!" Mew closed his eyes hearing Max plead him like a 10 year old girl. Max patiently waited seeing a wave of calmness washed over Mew's face; "Fine!..." Mew answered making Max instantly happy "but..." Mew interrupted "it's just one date....and you're paying!" he said in his stern voice looking at if it was an order. Max nodded at once obediently "Of course...This is gonna be will have a great time..." Max kept on talking while Mew walked passed him already regretting everything, Max almost screamed "...I'm sure you'll be thanking me!" right before Mew closed the door behind him and walked out exhausted as hell.

Date night,

"I'm gonna killllll him!" Mew said through his grittedteeth, while the loud music blasting behind him masked his words. Mew raisedhis head and looked around the crowd. The place was packed with people...most ofthem dancing in the dance floor and almost all the tables looked filled excepthis where he sat alone with his back to the huge pillar. Taking a deep breathhe slowly stuck his head out to see a large group of people dancing. Mew triedto see past the group and as if they had heard his thought they slowly rearrangedtheir position, Mew could finally see the bar again...with GULF busily tending tocustomers. As soon as Mew sensed Gulf might turn his way, Mew at once resumedhis position hiding himself behind the pillar, "You're so dead Max!..." he whispered again. "...couldn't he get anyother place...there are freaking bar in every street...." he scolded Max with hiseyes closed when a clear voice broke his train of thoughts, "Dr. Mew...Suppasit?" making Mew freeze in his position.


That's it's for this chapter! Hope you like it....let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I will update the next Chapter within 5 days.... hopefully.

Until then take care, stay safe..bubye


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