Chapter 8b - worry

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Hello all! thank you everyone for reading the story...and giving it over 1k+ views! I'm very grateful. So here's the second part of the chapter 8...hope you like it!! see you at the end!!!


Mew walked into his room with the same smile, he placed his stethoscope on his table and slumped onto his chair. He sighed aloud seeing the pile of medical files on his desk, he move his chair front and picked the first file and saw it was mild's latest x-ray. At once the memory of Gulf's lone tear while whimpering in sleep played in his mind, making him remember his own experience of such many...many sleepless nights. He placed the file back on the table and leaned back on his chair facing, he remembered the days...and nights after his parents passing, barely getting any sleep, disturbed, unfocused. The only thing that got him out of that was the thought of taking care of sister, a slow smile spread through his face thinking of her. Suddenly, the image of Gulf's whimpering was replaced with his peaceful sleeping face he had just witnessed few minutes ago. Mew's smile grew into a small laugh; he shook his head when his train of thoughts went to gulfs curiosity of his phone call.

         "Waaaoow! you really are enjoying your extra rounds!!" an amused voice startled Mew out of his thoughts. He turned to see his friend...and his colleague Max standing, leaning over the door frame with his hands crossed over his chest. Finally feeling his heart calm Mew shook his head on disbelief "Max! Don't ever knock the door!" Max raised an eyebrow as a reply and walked. "I usually don't but I DID today...but seems like you very busy in your thoughts to notice that..." he said leaning over one of the visitors chair placed opposite his table "... something I need to know!". Mew narrowed his eyes giving him the death glare at Max making him raise his hands laughing, "Can we go and eat now?" Max asked at the end of the laughter. Mew nodded, quickly arranged his files, locked his drawer, took his coat and walked out briskly with Max.

He paused at the nurse station while Max was still giggling, with a sarcastic look he turned to see Nurse Alex checking the medicine cabinet behind the counter, "Mrs. Alex!" Alex looked up from her chart and smiled looking at Mew through her glass. She walked closer to the counter noticing the other two nurses gawking at the young handsome doctors. "Mrs. Alex...we're going out for dinner!...just for two day, can you keep checking on gulf...he needs to get more sleep!!" Alex noticed Max looking curiously at Mew making her smile, but she looked at Mew "Yes I'll keep an eye on him!!" she answered trying to stifle a smile. Mew purposeful ignored her smile and the meaning behind it and turned to see Max staring at him with a smug look.

        "What?" Mew asked Max, who took a step forward and placed his hand on Mew's shoulder, "dude! You need're becoming a little obsessive on your patient..." Mew rolls his eyes "Says the guy who always orders Chinese with sizzlers and hurt my hand every time..." Mew retorts making Max move back a little "Hey! That's a genuine mistake...all I'm saying is you have other patients too...widen your focus a little!" Mew widens his lips faking a smile in response. With a small and final nod at Alex who was trying her best to control her laughter, Mew dragged Max by putting a hand around his neck making him laugh when his phone buzzed in his pocket earning a loud grunt; he strengthen the grip around his neck ignoring the buzz.

Next day morning,

Gulf stretched in his bed and felt a pull with some pain over his ribs...though it has been getting better the sudden pain always startles him. He opened his eyes to see the room brightened by the sun from the window; he looked at the other side to see his breakfast waiting at his side table. Confused, he looked at the clock to see it was over 9.30am...surprised he rubbed his eyes not believing that he had slept almost 12 hours...even more surprised that he doesn't remember having any nightmares unlike the past 3 days. He smiled feeling refreshed all over his body; he slowly yet cautiously stretched again and sat up.

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