Oct 29, 9pm

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Oct 29, 9pm- Oh! What brutal mockery I have just endured! I shall attempt to shorten the tale of what I experienced after leaving the train. Of course, I knew not how get to my hotel as I was new to this place, and street signs were ominously shaded by the thick black sky. I looked down at my map with confusion and instead resorted to asking the locals. I came across one sweet looking woman who was stood in her front garden smoking a cigarette.
"Evening, how would I go about finding the 'Sea Breeze Hotel'?" I questioned
She looked me up and down, "You 'ere for tha goth festival, luv?" I nodded shyly in response.
"Turn left at end of this street, follow that street on for few yards then turn right an a think you'll come across a pub- the hotels right near it" She tried to point but it did not help.
I thanked her and smiled. "Nah worries luv, enjoy the weekend!" She placed the cigarette back in her mouth and I began again on my journey.
After a few too many wrong turns, I at last approached the pub that the lady told me about. The stench of beer and sweaty men clung thick in the atmosphere and it reminded me of a troubled past. I heard shouting and chanting, and the clinking of pint glasses against each other. Gruesome men congregated outside the pub and I felt a tight knot form in my stomach as I dared to walk past them. Deep breath. One of the men shouted something; I couldn't quite make it out as my brain was too clouded with panic.
"Oi! Goth!" I heard one shout. His voice boomed and echoed through the streets. I didn't turn round; just carried on walking.
"There's a witch!" One laughed. A cruel and wicked laugh that made my skin wince with fear.
"Oi you Goth, turn round an let us see you" My vision went blurred. My only choice was to ignore them. I sensed one of the men approach me; I could feel his warmth and smell his sweat. Without thinking, I turned around. His face was contorted- wiry black hair fell upon his forehead and a sinister smirk danced on his lips.
"You'd look so beautiful without all that makeup" He reached out, as if to touch my face but I pulled back. I turned back around and frantically scoured the dark streets for any sight of my hotel. There. I lifted up my long black skirt and ran (with my suitcase). The men shouted more cruel things but I do not remember what they said.
At last I arrived at the Sea Breeze hotel. It is quaint and sweet yet easy to see why it only has a three star rating. As I write this I am sat at the desk in the tiny one person room. The wallpaper is striving to be released from the walls and a thick, musty scent hangs in the air. There is a cold draught creeping in through the cracks in the window and from the room I can hear the screech of seagulls. I could not care less- I was free from those men. I must find an alternative route tomorrow, to avoid passing that perilous pub once more. Sleep is beginning to capture me, so I shall continue this journal when I awake.

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