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Russia sat up from his bed. His wrist hurt, and he looked at it. It was in a brace, with a splint. He sat confused for a moment, wondering what the hell had happened to it, before memories from yesterday rushed over him, and he flinched as if his father had hit him again.

He kneeled over, like the memories had rushed over him so quickly that he was pushed back.

"Что, блять возьми, с тобой не так?" What the fuck is wrong with you?

"Почему ты не можешь меня слушать?" Why can't you listen to me?

"You're useless!"

The last one rang in his head, the words reverberating in his head. His father was right. He felt useless. If only I had checked the food, then maybe America wouldn't have been poisoned. It's all my fault, I'm useless, I should've checked the food for poison-

His thoughts were interrupted by a firm but soft knock on his door. Russia froze, thinking it was his father. Was he back to hurt him again? He stood still, barely daring to breathe. "Russia? It's Belarus. Are you awake? I made breakfast."

The Russian shuffled over to open the door, but before he left his room, he asked, "Is dad at home? Is he... is he at the dining table?"

Belarus shook her head. Everytime something like that happened, Russia became wary of their father for a few hours. However, this time Soviet had broken her brother's wrist and left him curled up on the floor. "He left this morning to meet a business partner."

Russia inhaled inwardly, and left his room, keeping his wrist near his chest. He didn't want to risk hitting anything with it and injuring it further.

Ukraine looked up at Russia as he took his seat at the dining table for breakfast. "Do you feel better? Does your wrist still hurt very badly?" Russia nodded and shook his head, tucking into his food. The painkillers had worn off, and his wrist definitely still hurt, but it wasn't bad as the day before.


America woke up. The first thing he registered was the headache he had, as if he had ran headfirst into a concrete wall. He was in some sort of room, and the last thing he remembered was being hooked up to ventilators and Russia telling him that he was going to be alright. He paused and frowned.

Russia... Where was he? He looked around the room, but only saw his parents and Canada sitting beside his bed. "Mom? Dad? Nada?" The American asked, and was alarmed by how weak his voice sounded. "What happened?"

France jumped up and hugged her son. "Ame, thank God. You have no idea how much you scared us..." America protested weakly, trying to escape from his mother's embrace. "You're crushing me."

France let go, the relief of her son waking up evident on her face. "Nada? What happened?" Canada looked troubled. "You were poisoned. Poisoned by cyanide, and you... you could've died. You scared me so much... I genuinely thought I was gonna lose you."

Britain spoke up for the first time since America woke up. "I'm not sure if this is intentional poisoning, but please, I beg of you, stay away from Russia and his family, alright? Please."

America gritted his teeth exasperatedly. "Why do you have to do all of this? Why do you have to do this to me? I'm trying to make some friends and mix around! Why can't you just let me do as I please for once? You don't have to control everything in my life, do you?"

"Do what? I'm trying to help! I'm trying to protect you!"

"By restricting me from befriending a nice person? How is that going to help me?"

America tried to haul himself out of the bed. He wanted to leave the room, take a walk and clear his head. But the sudden movement caused him to topple over, crashing onto the clean floors with a grunt of pain. His head throbbed even more violently and he would've vomited if his stomach wasn't empty. 

The American groaned, clutching his head with both hands. He was suddenly aware of how light-headed he felt and how dry his mouth was.

Canada helped his younger brother back onto the hospital bed, silently urging his parents to leave. He was aware of how agitated his parents, especially his father, was making America feel. He didn't agree with his father, either.

France caught the hint and beckoned for Britain to follow her out. She walked out of the room, ruffling America's hair. "Get well soon, Ame." America acknowledged it quietly, nodding his head. "I'll stay for a bit longer," Canada called after his parents' retreating backs.

"It wasn't Russia's fault. I know it for sure. I don't believe he'd ever poison you." Canada murmured, as soon as their parents disappeared down to long hallways. America looked up at his older brother. "I know he wouldn't do such a thing. He isn't the type to."

Canada shrugged. "I just thought that you might think it's him since he gave you food that was spiked." America nodded. He understood why his brother would think that way.

There was silence in the room for awhile, before America asked, "Is Russia okay?"

Canada snorted. "Ame, you really are unbelievable sometimes. You're the one who was poisoned, and yet you ask about the other person. But to answer your question, I haven't seen him today as it's the weekends, so I don't know."

"He's my friend, I just wanted to know." America replied, just as the sound of a text notification rang in the air. The older brother picked up his phone. "Mom and Dad just got home... and here you go. Your phone, it slipped out of your pocket when Russia carried you and ran to a teacher."

America blushed slightly but said nothing. He took his phone from his brother. It had a few scratches on the screen protector but it was alright. "Do you have some water? I'm really thirsty."

Canada passed a bottle of water to America, who downed it quickly, ignoring the small streams of water that escaped his mouth and trickled down his chin. "Thanks, I feel much better." The American said. "Do you think I could ask Russia to come visit me?"

"Mom and Dad are at home, so, sure, why not?" Canada replied, tossing the empty bottle of water into the bin. 

"Okay, I'll text him now."

-Hey, do you think you could come over and visit me?     

It took awhile for Russia to respond, but he eventually did.

-Give me 10 minutes. I'll be there.

America set his phone down, waiting for his friend to arrive.

Russia was surprised when America texted him, asking for him to go to the hospital and visit him. He was under the impression that America was probably wary of him from being poisoned by the food he made.

Russia wasted no time, he finished the last of his breakfast and left the house, flagging down a cab to the hospital. On the way there, he came to the conclusion that Canada had explained everything to America, and therefore America wasn't wary at all because he knew that Russia hadn't meant to poison him.

He sighed in relief. America was going to be alright. America didn't hate him, he didn't think that he was poisoned by Russia on purpose.

Or so he had thought.

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