TS Part One..

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Friendship, Marriage & Love..

"It's two months rabbit" Ram says with shaking voice..

"What" Priya's face turn to pale..

Ram comes to her & hold her arms, & says with assurance voice- don't get panic..

"How will my family react, after they know I'm pregnant because of that bad night" she says with tear..

Ram still says with clam tone- you are not victim rabbit, there was not your fault, don't blam yourself rabbit..

Priya breath start to become heavy with panic vibes, Ram hold her near him but it's out of control, & he give her own time, she hold Ram's waist & start to cry loudly, he can't stop her from crying because it's unbarred pain, she going through it, & her family too, he & his family members become their backbone but bad world always look girls mistake, they never look whole truth, they just blame only girl..



Two & half months ago, Priya goes for her collage camp, & Ram goes for his industry visit camp, they both studying in same college but both department are different, Priya studying in medical, & Ram studies for business, both college are same but campus & department are different, they both are childhood friend, since class two, Ram always being Priya's protector, so many people thought they date each other, but one bad incident change Priya & her family members life..

For three days Priya was missing from camp, in that three days Priya live her life's death incident, till Ram comes to save her..

Ram search Priya with police, & they found her in one small cottage, with the tie hands & mouth, with lifeless body, when Ram look Priya, he was shock with the hell, that day was for him last, he own chocked his breath, because Priya situation was too much bad, whole scenario shout it loud, somebody "RAPED" her, he covered her first half body through his jacket, unknotting the rope from her hands with teary eyed, he carefully carry her in his arms & way towards the hospital through ambulance, he look so many brushes on her face, so many scratchings on her all over body, he didn't blinked his eyes till her lifeless body entered in the ICU room, & he too take a seat on bench lifelessly..

Three hours done, doctor call Priya's parents in the cabinet, Ram too join them..

Doctor forward glass of water to them & says- somebody "RAPED" her, inner injuries are crucial, it takes the time..

Priya's parents start to crying, Ram send them out & he take a seat infront of doctor..

Ram- when she will wake up from medication..

Doctor- more than 12 hours..

Ram ask to doctor with heavy heart- any other way she injured..

Doctor- no, but only one person was done this worst thing..

Ram- ok, I make sure, who is behind, my Priya's situation, you please make a report..

Doctor- ok, you are her..

Ram says with deep tone- I'm her family..

Priya wake up from her medication, she look white ceiling, she look blur images due to oxygen mask, her whole body panic with the hell, she not dare to look who's side by her, she listen her mother voice, her father voice, but her mind only occupied by that bad incident, she listen one voice..


Priya turn to that voice, & she look his blur face, & tear roll down from her corner of eye..

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