23:Get Close(really Close)

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Third person pov

It was bright morning flashing the girls faces.The short girl open her eye as the light shine on her eye.She saw the tall girl sleep on her lap.The short girl pat the tall girl and let the tall girl sleep on the ground first.

Lia stand up from her seat and stretching her body.She went to store and brought a cold water then went back to the tall girl hwang yeji.Lia saw the tall girl sleeping peacefully but sadly she have to wake her up.

"yeji ah.."a soft voice came out from lia.Yeji immediately wake up and open her eye..sit up looking at lia face. Lia smile and oat the tall girl and sit beside her

"did your back hurts?.."The husky raspy voice came out from the tall girl.The short one can resist the tall one voice nodding saying "im okay at least you slept well"The short girl said and a slight blush came to the both girls.

Lia give yeji the water bottle and they both drinks it in sync.They both smell like rain cause of last night.the wind pass and yeji smell the air and smile.lia did the same and they both try to keep hydrated.

The soulmates are blushing comfortablely.Till yeji makes move to hold lia fingers.Lia blush uncontrolled again.Yeji felt the same and let a soft sigh.lia fingers wandering around yeji fingers makes it intertwind their fingers

Suddenly the both soulmates feeling dry at their throats and quickly drinks water while intertwined their fingers.The short girl not dared to look at the tall girl.The tall girl always take glance but it wasnt responded.

Lia didnt bring her phones with her.The girls must be so worried and again lia about to let go of the grip but suddenly yeji grip lia hand and now they holding hand

"ye..ji.."Lia breaths the words and put her finger below her own pointy nose..yeji who holding tight lia hand keep quiet but she literally screaming inside.

It became such hot situation.Yeji felt her neck became more hotter and red while lia her ears are completely reddier than a tomato.

"yeji i have to go to the girls they might be worried.."Lia said and yeji still gripping the grip tight than lia thinks then yeji realised to herself 'dont be suspicious!' yeji thought and let go of the grips.

Lia smile and yeji look down of dissapointed..she dont want to let go of lia hand but what can she do she cant be suspicious either..

"Minnie gonna be worried too okay? Go back"Lia said and they both make eye contact.Lia saw yeji eye were shaking and her neck were completely red.

Yeji look down again scolding herself.Lia smile and about to leave but she bump to somebody she thought someone else but it was yeji. The tall girl hug lia and lia was shock

"i want..get close"Yeji were so doombed she doesnt even know what she saying she just want lia to stay but she cant say it she doesnt know why

she cant even say'please stay with me'thats a simple words. But you know when you fall inlove you loss of words saying rubbishly.

"what?"the short girl giggled at the taller confession.Lia know what the taller girl means.Lia giggled again and hug back

"what kind of getting close?" lia ask and yeji look down tugging lia hoodie.signaling stop Teasing her.lia giggle again and they both hugging each other while the wind pass them

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