Chapter 5: The Grand Ball (Part 3)

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🌹 Chapter 5: The Royal Ball (Part 3)

I don't know about anyone else in here, but I'm thirsty as hell. No idea why or how, but apparently 2 minutes of making some weird spastic movements in an attempt to dance properly is enough to leave me breathless.

"Hey there."

I turn around at the sound of a silvery voice only to find a girl standing in front of me whom I've never expected to even look at me, not to mention talk to me. It's THE Paulette Calliwell, supermodel, right here and right now, wow. This cannot be true, right? You know that moment when you think someone is greeting or waving at you but they are actually referring to the person behind you? I have that all the time. This must be one of those moments. She must have been speaking to someone else. Maybe a woman is standing behind me and I'm just an annoying little brat who's blocking her way. Perhaps a handsome guy, possibly her boyfriend?

"Did you just-" I ask while looking excessively confused and glancing around me like a desperate fugitive.

"I sure did." She says with her oh-so-sincere voice and a broad smile on her face.

I'm stunned. I'm amazed, stupefied, I- I don't know what to do or say. This is like a dream come true. I think I've been frozed to the spot and watched her wide-eyed for about a good 1 minute as she decides to introduce herself seeing I'm not saying anything.

"Hi, I'm Paulette." She reaches out her hand while approaching me. Stupid, I know who you are. No need to introduce yourself, silly. But let's just not say that out loud.

"Holy crickets..." I mumble.

"Sorry, what-"

"Err, hello. I mean, I'm Macy." I stammer a bit before shaking her hand. "N-Nice hand."

NO, I did not just say that.

She tilts her head slightly and narrows her eyes playfully at me. "You sure are the odd one out, aren't you?"

Victoria's Secret Angel Paulette Calliwell thinks I'm odd, who does not wish to be me? Earlier this night a guy called me strange. You're doing great Macy, just great. Really though, why keeps everyone calling me such things?

"Uh, what do you mean?" I ask politely and try to flash her my most winning smile but it probably comes out as a half-smothered weirdo laugh.

"Well, when all gentlemen had to choose someone for a dance, Z- I mean Matthias picked you out of all women here." She chuckles and adds "... apart from the princesses of course."

Is she talking about that arrogant yet attractive snob I danced with just a little while ago?

"Wait, Matthias?" I ask.

"The guy you were dancing with." She says as if it were obvious. Oh, so she was talking about him.

"Gosh, he didn't even tell you his name?" She rolls her eyes and runs her fingers through her hair.

"No, I- He didn't." I say, clearly still having trouble gathering my wits.

"Ugh, he'll never learn it, will he?" She sighs and shakes her head.

"Learn what?" Now I'm getting curious, just a little.

"Let's just say he's not quite the charmer." She raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I kind of figured." I chuckle slightly and roll my eyes.

"Still though, ladies love to kiss his feet to all the way up. Now I see why he decided to dance with you. Because you didn't beg him to, did you?" She says in a way as if thinking out loud.

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