Love Like You

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My awesome friend arqtpie created the awesome cover art of this chapter! If you have Instagram, DEFINITELY go follow her!

As the sun sets ever deeper below the horizon and the evening begins to fade into night, after several minutes of aimless wandering, I come across what just might be where I was looking to go; in front of me is a wide passage leading down to a cliff, with small trees surrounding it on either side.

The trees closest to the outside of this opening and decorated with lovely pink flowers, just the color of my yogurt, and in addition, the ground is lightly coated with petals of the same type of flower scattered all across the lush grass. No other place in Goiky has ever been decorated like this until now, and I also remember what Snowball said to me before I had to leave him earlier today:

"...Um, OK! Don't forget, Yogurt Cup, I'll get everything ready in the meantime!"

Remebering this, I realize now that this is probably what he meant by that, and that I am certainly in the right place. I walk down to the cliff and prepare myself to meet Snowball again.


"...Hello? Is anyone here? Snowball?", I softly call out.

Right after, though, I notice Snowball turning around to face me out of my peripheral vision. 

"Oh, you're finally here! I was thinking you forgot for a while, now... but anyways, do you like the decorations and stuff I put up? It took a really long time for me to find those flowers, 'cause I had to go in the forest since they never grow here in the plains."

"Heh, sorry I'm late, Snowball; I blacked out earlier for some reason and I only woke up just now. But I really love the decorations, they're really flattering, and the color of the petals is beautiful!"

"That's awesome that you think that, thanks! But, what do you mean by 'you blacked out'? Are you OK? Did someone hurt you? They're gonna be sorry if they did that!", he growls, starting to seethe with protective anger.

I find it awfully endearing that Snowball doesn't want me to get hurt, but it isn't exactly necessary in this case.   

"Well, I got into a big argument with Firey earlier today, and a little while after I went away from him, I suddenly blacked out and went into this deep state of unconsciousness, where I had this weird vision..."

"Um, why don't you sit down next to me so we can talk more?", Snowball suggests. I comply and go seat myself down on the cliff's edge, on his right.


"OK, so... during the blackout I had, I had this horrible vision where my past self was asking out this girl I apparently liked, and according to the context of the vision, I been been in love with her for several months prior and finally built up the confidence. But when my past self told the other girl, she just said she was already seeing someone, and my past self was devastated and ran home in tears."

"...What? How did talking to Firey cause this to you, they're completely unrelated things!"

"It's because of what Golf Ball explained to me the other day; that especially emotionally impactful memories of my past life are triggered by making interactions similar to the events in those memories. These events don't seem related, but they are, because of this."

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