Solving the Mystery

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"...She told me that I got to this 'animate object dimension' by choosing to come here through this process of death and rebirthing, which apparently happens to every living thing in existence, and that if I want to find out why I came here, I have to find someone that triggers a memory that reveals my past self's motives. Golf Ball also said that since I'd have most likely killed myself because of all the emotional trauma that the other memories suggested was constantly going on in my past life, that someone would have to be especially vicious and uncaring in order to remind me of such a harsh memory, according to her. Is there anyone like that here in Goiky?"

"There are a few of them, that's for sure. The biggest problem, though, is that they're the only other objects we have left to visit, with the exception of Firey. I didn't include him, because even though he's usually pretty cool, he hates me more than anyone else, 'cause, you know... but that's another story for tomorrow, I guess. Now I guess we should be getting to sleep now, 'cause it's gotten really late. Good night!"

"Good night, Leafy."


It's now morning, and Leafy and I awake from our sleeping spots on the ground and sit up to face one another.

"Good morning, Yogurt Cup. I didn't get too much sleep last night..."

"Well, we did go to bed sometime in the middle of the night. I got a great night's sleep, though," I boastfully proclaim, playfully teasing her.

"Lucky!", Leafy exclaims, playfully nudging my side. I chuckle lightly, enjoying our time together. Leafy looks away bashfully with a smile of endearment. I just can't tell very well, but it feels a little like Leafy is trying to hide something from me. However, I mentally shrug it off and start to talk again.

"So, who do we have left to visit?"

"6 more objects, I believe. In addition to them, there's also this weird "man" thing that came late into the show named David, but he ran away after the show ended and no one knows or cares where he is because nobody liked him, anyway, so we won't be paying him a visit. Same goes for Woody, because he's just a scaredy-cat who can't speak properly and only makes sounds, but I personally like him. But anyways, we decided to save Flower for first thing in the morning, so she'll be our next destination. Besides her, there's Firey, who we'll get to last, but there's... the cool kids." 

Wondering what's with Leafy's hesitation, I'm curious to find out.

"Why were you so hesitant to say 'the cool kids'? Is something bad about them? Who are they, anyway?"

"Blocky, Eraser, Pen and Snowball. They're a bunch of bullies who think it's funny to murder other objects. I'm surprised they didn't devise another evil plan after Flower destroyed the recovery centers. Blocky actually used to be my friend, but just like everyone else, he hates me now. He also had this sick show called 'Blocky's Funny Doings International', which is where he creates these elaborate pranks with recovery centers in order to trap the victims in an infinite death loop, but thanks to what Flower did, those "pranks" couldn't work anymore and the show went defunct. Eraser is just apathetic to everything and thinks he's too 'cool' for everyone else; not much else I can say about him. Pen is actually the only one of the cool kids who isn't necessarily mean or murders other objects, but his friends are a horrible influence on him, and I really  don't like him because he's become so rude thanks of them! He even had the nerve to call me his 'servant' in this taco-making challenge we had as the 15th challenge of BFDI. And Snowball is the worst; he's extremely mean and aggressive, and has no respect for anyone. He's also really arrogant and thinks of everyone as lesser than him like Flower does, but he's also really dumb, and Golf Ball insulted him about it on the first day of BFDI. She ended up getting thrown off a cliff, but if you ask me, she was telling the truth. Now, he and Golf Ball REALLY hate each other. So, it's a small wonder why I'm really not anticipating going to see them. I personally don't think you would like them at all, either, but we unfortunately have no choice."

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